I'd agree with that last point. I mean I'm not especially patriotic by any means but I am certainly very fond of merry old England. Even if it is somewhat plain in many respects.
I don't really feel qualified or prepared to contribute more to this conversation than that =P
But that's not objective, you're putting a spin on that. I must confess I agree that the whole lolicon, toddlercon thing is more than a little disturbing to me, but some people dig that. Plus that's not even a facet of the plot or whatever, I'm not sure it could make an anime inherently bad.
Well obviously SOME has to be objectively good or bad. That doesn't mean everyone will like it, but some has to be just so poorly made, scripted and voiced that even Satan would call inflicting it on someone a hardship :P
But for the most part, yes it's just people's tastes.
Of course it is. They always are these day... oh how I hate them. I really wish they'd just have a sticker or something. Maybe even a tiny BBFC rating sized logo indicating, that would be better than the tyranny of the giant blue bar.
I hate the ones with the really dumb disc clip. The one that's like a solid nub for the disc hole, but with a tiny bit you're supposed to push in at the bottom. If anyone has the Dark Knight DVD they'll know the sort I mean. I hate those, they make me fear for the safety of my discs everytime I...
Men in Black
I love this film, ever since I first saw it as a child. I think what I've come to appreciate is how and why it's so much better than its sequel.
The simple fact is that it plays itself, less as a sci-fi movie about alien police and more like a detective movie that...
I certainly don't deny there was visual spectacle, but it was, to me, self-indulgent and without purpose. All the stuff with Ponyo's escape and all the fish pouring out of the sea, but there was no real point to it. I find the movies that irk me most are the ones which have no point. I don't...
You too Genkina? Why is everyone spoilering their games? =S Do you all have drop down boxes for spoilers or something?
What does WTB mean? I urban dictionary'd it and it came up with want to buy =S
I would say that all cartoons have a style inherent to their country which may or may not influence their perception by others.
I wouldn't say anime characters are drawn neutrally. Maybe they don't "look" japanese, but how many western cartoons really look american? Yes some use realistic...
(I love bricks =P)
Basically the less space it takes up the better. THough I do like signle volumes for Death Note (the fancy shiny lettering) and Code Geass (while irksomely oversized for the rest of my shelf they are nice enough). I used to be all about...
Witches, catbuses, dustballs; ALL of that I'm cool with. It's the inconsistency of a kid who doesn't recognise a goldfish, immediately recognises some unpronouncable latin name for a fish that has been extinct for millions of years...
In the immortal words of Will Smith in MIB "(He) about to...
I'll check my MAL. I've starred the ones I really liked, plused the ones I enjoyed somewhat and minused the absolute dross.
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle*
The Castle of Cagliostro (does that count?)
The Cat Returns+
Porco Rosso+
My Neighbour Totoro*
Princess Mononoke
I'll say this right now: Ghibli is clearly not for me. I have only really been able to get into Totoro, the rest I have found pretty dull. I don't for a second deny that they are all well made, but none of them have really grabbed me. I felt like nothing of importance actually...
Got my bluray back so finally resumed Ponyo... I'm sorry but what the actual ****!? This kid is dim enough to mistake Ponyo for a goldfish, yet recognises immediately fish from the Devonian period?
I know it's a children's film but some of the stuff going on here is such BS... not to mention...
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