Search results

  1. M

    Images on My Website

    That wont cut it if you use someone's image and they don't want you to; they can still troll the **** out of you by going legal and getting you fined. Or at least it happened to a blogger I read about.
  2. M

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    There have been meets on AUKN since I organised the first one back in 2006, or maybe it was 2005? We had a few expo ones and a few non-event ones, and they were all awesome. I still have the videos taken at them on mini cassette from my digicam somewhere. Shame that of all the people who...
  3. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Wow, I'm surprised Tesco had it. Be sure to use a controller to play it, apparently mouse and keyboard for it stinks.
  4. M

    Wargamers of AUKN, unite!

    I've reserved mine at my local independent which also has been the gaming club I've been to most Wednesdays for the past three years. A small gesture of loyalty to the shop that has given me so much, especially in the face of new competition from another shop in the area selling GW products...
  5. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I'm intrigued, what is so bad about that FF7 port? The trailer for it showed only FMVs. :/
  6. M

    So it's goodbye from me...

    Believe me, AUKN is better than the alternatives. UK-anime is alright, but lacks that spark AUKN has. Animelea-, sorry, Weabooleague is, well, weaboo, and the only potential sanctuary for anyone seeing serious discussion is polluted by right-wing americans. Best of luck anyway though, as I'm...
  7. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Ecuador have granted asylum to Julian Assange. The UK continues to be assholes about it. :/
  8. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Ayase is right, there is some truth in the suggestion that people of a certain genetic background are more likely to succeed in certain areas. It is not racist to acknowledge these differences; acknowledging that we are not all equal in ability does not mean you think we are not all equal in...
  9. M

    Duskin's items for sale

    I can tell you are a very caring collector from the condition of the items that arrived today. Pristine, absolutely pristine, just how I keep my own. My standards are extremely high, and it is rare that I am as pleased with the condition of items as I am with these. Perfect. :)
  10. M

    Final Fantasy Replicas

    That sword has too many materia slots... ;_;
  11. M

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    Azumanga Daioh boxset :D
  12. M

    Rog's DVD Clearout - Everything Reduced!

    Arrived Azumanga Daioh :D
  13. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Getting dog tags on higher difficulties isn't the hard part; beating the bosses is. ;)
  14. M

    Street Fighter 4 Question

    No probs, you're very welcome. :)
  15. M

    Street Fighter 4 Question

    Arcade version is also available as a DLC upgrade to Super, so I presume it therefore that the disc version is the same as Super + Upgrade, and therefore has all that Super has, plus more. As for gameplay differences, while I am sure there must be some differences down to tweaking the game...
  16. M

    Street Fighter 4 Question

    Super Street Fighter 4 has all the characters from Street Fighter 4, plus some more. The story endings are different though. Ideally, you want Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, as this is the most recent version.
  17. M

    The football thread!

    I read that apparently they may be introducing goal-line technology in the next football season. I've heard such technology is controversial though. Why are some opposed to the use of goal-line technology? Surely the accurate recording of goals is an obvious and universally good thing for...
  18. M

    Rog's DVD Clearout - Everything Reduced!

    Check your PMs, Rog. ;)
  19. M

    Whats your biggest bug-bear?

    THIS. Also: -people who do not use their indicators when driving -groups who spread out to fill the entire footpath/pavement when walking -irresponsible dog owners
  20. M

    Whats your biggest bug-bear?

    For me, it is the stupidity, ignorance and inconsideration exhibited by most of humanity when they come to shop at my place of work. The following are the most common: -Customers going behind the tills. Surely this is obvious; behind the tills is staff only EVERYWHERE. -People who assume...