Search results

  1. B

    Help needed

    Erm ok. Anime is anime and we need some fan fictions for the site. So ok. I will need some information from you, for stuff that I need visit for some information. I will also need an avatar "100x100 pixel". If you haven't got one or can't make one then please...
  2. B

    Help needed

    Hey once again I, BeyUK Espio, am looking for staff for my site. There is a difference this time though. I am looking for people that can help me out with my site with other animes. Those that feel comfortable to fun whole anime section, with me doing the uploading. All I ask is for a person to...
  3. B

    Can anybody help me

    Hey people I was wondering if there is anybody here that is interested in helping me with my website :D . I am looking for the following + Anime/ Manga Artists + Fan Fiction Writers + Music Video Creators These jobs/ titles are needed desperately. The jobs will need one entry piece...