Recent content by Lord Bacchus

  1. Lord Bacchus

    So it seems there's a new case of Bootlegs/Theft hitting Amazon US lately

    Well that's dodgy, and it's surprising that such a large company would do something so obviously illegal. You're right, there is no way in hell they have approval from every single company to do this. Plus, the fact that it doesn't openly say it on the cases when they do it would indicate they...
  2. Lord Bacchus

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Preordered! Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Lord Bacchus

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    I personally steer clear of the warehouse deals these days. Almost every item I ordered through them had to be sent back. Either I'm incredibly unlucky, or Amazon just don't bother checking if the items are in fit condition before sending them.
  4. Lord Bacchus

    Anime at the cinema

    Yeah, but which canals are more photogenic? :D
  5. Lord Bacchus

    Anime at the cinema

    Why is all the cool stuff always in London? :/ Birmingham never gets any love.
  6. Lord Bacchus

    Asian Cinema Thread

    There was a point a few years ago where I was watching a lot of Japanese horror films. The Grudge is probably my favourite. There was a point where Hollywood kept doing American remakes of J Horror films, and not one of them came even close to the originals. More recently though I have been...
  7. Lord Bacchus

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Cool stuff. Just got FLCL BD for like £15.
  8. Lord Bacchus

    CLANNAD’s upcoming PlayStation 4 Japanese release includes English support

    Dang, but I already paid £50 to have it on PC. A PS4 version would have been ideal for me, but double dipping seems pointless. Maybe if it goes on sale at some point I'll finangle my way onto the Japanese PSN.
  9. Lord Bacchus

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Well I'm not entirely sure. For the last year or so they've slowly been removing subbed stuff from their site and just letting Crunchyroll have it in batches. All their newer stuff has been dub only, and I had assumed the end goal was to be completely dub only. However, in the recent show...
  10. Lord Bacchus

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Same thing happened for me. I'm glad I am not a dub fan because that means I just have to wait for everything to end up on Crunchyroll. The app in particular was atrocious. I too have a fast connection that struggled on no other sites, so it was definitely their fault.
  11. Lord Bacchus

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Right, Steins;Gate is safe! I need nothing else for this season. Shame about Full Metal Panic though. That's one I'd been keeping an eye on for a while. Guess I'll just wait until the inevitable home release.
  12. Lord Bacchus

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Crunchyroll just announced a whole slew of stuff they've licensed for the coming season. Crunchyroll Spring Anime No territories yet. As long as they don't block Steins;Gate Zero in the UK, I won't have to seek "alternate means". My resolve to use only legal sources is usually pretty strong...
  13. Lord Bacchus

    Anime for Veterans and Beginners

    Thank you for reminding me I still haven't watched Overlord. People keep mentioning it and I put it off because I was kind of burnt out on Isekai shows, but I think I'll give it a go. Also thanks for reminding me that Gosick exists. I recall it as one I sat down to watch and never got very far...
  14. Lord Bacchus

    Anime for Veterans and Beginners

    You've just reminded me to try Excel Saga again. I tried to watch it about seven years ago and got nowhere. I think I can (probably) handle what it's dishing out now. I should also watch Akira again, but it's never not a good time to rewatch Akira.
  15. Lord Bacchus

    Your anime viewing journal

    Ah that's a shame. I hadn't found a bad anime with him in yet, but I've never seen 'We Without Wings'.