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Didnt Tokyo Ghoul author hate the original adaption, which confused me why Re used Pierrot
Sui Ishida gave Pierrot a story draft for an alternative ending to Tokyo Ghoul. Pierrot barely looked into it as it had come either too late into production or something along those lines.

I’m guessing Pierrot got it because they still held the licence to the overall franchise. Hopefully it lapses eventually so another studio can take a crack at it.
I managed 3 episodes of re. It's direction in those episode was abysmal. The first two seasons may have had their blatant script issues, but at least had some quite nice to even great directing and several scenes were even better than the original. (To the extend they managed to actually inspire the author to incoperate elements of it later on.) re's anime just felt chopped down to the bones, ticking down a checklist and quite soulless. =/
That’s the biggest problem with re-the directing and animation. Whilst TG and Root A have their issues they’re chock full of great moments and a superb score, with re there were individual episodes that impressed me but the overall series just left me wishing for better.
Poor Denny restricting himself to not buying part sets must make life so difficult .

  • Tokyo Ghoul:re - 2 seasons but Funi decide to call it Part 1 & 2 instead. Not buyable. 👎
  • Whats basically Overlord season 2 part 2 gets called Overlord III. Buyable. 👍
  • 4th season of Attack on Titan gets called Season 3 part 2. Not buyable. 👎
I get your reasoning, I just couldn't see myself doing that.
If you've seen the series and don't like half of it, why purchase it in the first place?
Because despite it going downhill I still love the first 15 episodes and I'd be happy enough with just the first 12 episodes in my collection (episodes 13-15 I can watch through Crunchyroll anyway).

Episode 15 is also a good stopping point anyway.
Am i the only one who liked the second half of Franxx?

Magus Bride second cour on the other hand... (Still wouldnt buy part 1 alone though. Seems pointless.)
Didnt Tokyo Ghoul author hate the original adaption, which confused me why Re used Pierrot
Fruits Basket and Kare Kano's authors hated their anime adaptations. TG's author reportedly has been working pretty closely with Pierrot on Root A, to create some alternative that's not excactly the same as the manga. Apparantly a lot went wrong about that season and the director said he did the best he could under the circumstances. (Which must have been very messy. But then, a lot was messy for Pierrot, Black Clover was really messy too.)[Still can't help but kind of feel that they're channeling all their main resources on Boruto.]
Also, pretty hard to imagine he genuinely hates it, when he started all his flower symbolism pretty much exactly right after S1 pulled the Nadeshiko-Higanbana sequence.

That’s the biggest problem with re-the directing and animation. Whilst TG and Root A have their issues they’re chock full of great moments and a superb score, with re there were individual episodes that impressed me but the overall series just left me wishing for better.
Re at least was good preparation for me watching S;G 0 later on. That one also has a directional change and quite the downfall in directional quality. It's not even 10% as bad as re's anime though. (But the fall sure looks more steep on first sight, because S;G's directing is consistently great and otherwise the anime also doesn't have much memorable flaws, unlike TG's first two seasons.)
Still wonder why the S;G director's jumped ship on S;G 0. With TG S1/Root A's director and the messy production of root A there is at least some likely reason present.
I just dont get it, is it just me...
Who wants half a series, who watches half a series? They don't! They wait for it all to come out before watching it.
Well, I mean when you know the extra parts exist and will be released shortly, I don't really see it as an issue. Plus there's the fact that when there are multiple series/seasons of a show you're watching while they're airing on TV/streaming you need to wait until the next one is released to see the continuation/ending anyway... I mean OG Twin Peaks fans waited 25 years on a cliffhanger. Deadwood fans have been waiting for 13 years for that to be finished... So waiting six months for part 2 of a show that's already been produced doesn't seem so bad. Plus if I want to marathon something all at once, there's no harm in part 1 sitting on my shelf unwatched for a while.
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Streaming is abit different to actually wanting to own a physical release.
I just don't get why an anime company would release part of a show that has been fully released to stream.

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