Kaleido Star is a decent series overall which uses its circus theming and main protagonist fairly well but does take itself a bit too seriously in places. Curious as to which horrible character you’re referring to there @RadFemHedonist
Kaleido Star is a decent series overall which uses its circus theming and main protagonist fairly well but does take itself a bit too seriously in places. Curious as to which horrible character you’re referring to there @RadFemHedonist
Leon is often rather abrasive in the second season from what I recall and Layla irritated me with their behaviour as well so I see where you’re coming from on those fronts. Can’t say I liked May much either early on. The second season in general is a bit weaker than the first for me but I hope you still get some enjoyment out of it!TBH I completely hated Leon that's who I'm referring to... tho tbh I'm pretty disappointed in a lot of the other characters as well for defending him, particularly Layla Hamilton being all like "SoRa I'm So DiSaPpoInTeD iN YoU fOr ThInKiNg BeInG a DeCeNt HuMaN bEiNG iS mOrE iMpOrTaNt ThAn CiRcUs PeRfOrMiNg" "What u mean u don't wanna break ur limbs and possibly die??? What's wrong with u?? :<" I haven't finished the show yet so I guess some of the characters might redeem themselves but I don't think any amount of tragic backstorying is gonna make me like Leon "God of Death" McButtface.