Why Why Why!

Darkness Rules

Completely Average High School Student
Why is the anime conventions only for 16 or over. Why can't it be for 15 or 14 year olds as well. If any one can help me or tell me that there is also Conventions for 14yrs or older please tell me!
People smoking i guess xDDD

Oh hold on . . . can't smoke in a public area now!

Err . . . don't know, i think is cuz' you're too young to take care of yourselves or something similar . . .
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Because we don't want you little babies there, ruining things for everyone.

Aww thats harsh. But probably true :lol:

No but seroiusly maybe its because they think the material sold there isn't suitable for people under age of 16?
Although what convention are you even talking about?
Thats a bit... harsh. Anime is like aimed at Teenagers and University/college students >.>

Well, I hit 16 in a couple of months, so it won't matter to me anymore.
I used to be part of the management for a group running Lan tournaments, and we used to get asked this regularly...

The other reason is that we had no control what was on peoples computers, so we set it as over 18 to make sure we where pretty covered... Some of the porn was pretty sick, i wouldn't want to see the results of some poor 14 year olds fractured mind...
I've not been to a con but from what I've heard on podcasts they're dens of sexual depravity. I've also specifically heard that younger girls can get mistaken for older girls. If you get my point.
Ark said:
I've not been to a con but from what I've heard on podcasts they're dens of sexual depravity. I've also specifically heard that younger girls can get mistaken for older girls. If you get my point.

Dude, that happens everywhere, not just limiting to cons.
I believe the venue owners don't like having hourds of underaged children running a-muck within their building either and so won't let it out unless there is an age limit for insurance and litigation reasons.
The ExCel have tickets available to both kids and adults, hence any age can go, and to be honest; its all 16+, with a few 14 and 15 year olds scattered around every so often.

A Hentai area should be available to anyone whom actually want to see it, as long as it far away from the main area. :D. And with a host or whatever outside to watch who goes inside, just in case for kids. xD.
Darkness Rules said:
Why is the anime conventions only for 16 or over. Why can't it be for 15 or 14 year olds as well. If any one can help me or tell me that there is also Conventions for 14yrs or older please tell me!
Adult material is present and 15 year olds aren't legally classed as adults. Also, 15 year olds don't have credit cards...
Maxon said:
Darkness Rules said:
Why is the anime conventions only for 16 or over. Why can't it be for 15 or 14 year olds as well. If any one can help me or tell me that there is also Conventions for 14yrs or older please tell me!
Adult material is present and 15 year olds aren't legally classed as adults. Also, 15 year olds don't have credit cards...

You make a good point, I usually max out my cards at these events