Where do you buy anime?

Where do you buy anime?

  • Only on the Internet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only in high-street shops

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rarely on the Internet, mostly in high-street shops

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rarely in high-street shops, mostly on the Internet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't have Internet, or any access to it (so why am I posting here!?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only at conventions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Death Scythe
I'm trying to put together some facts and figures about where people buy anime, to suss out whether or not it's really feasible for producers/distributors to retail their products through high-street shops.

Have fun!
I usually just going into high street shops to check out the DVD's and if I see something I like I see if it's cheaper online. The only time when I buy from the high street are when there are sales on or I can't wait for online delivery times but the latter is rarely the case. A lot of the time if there's something specific I want it's never in the shops anyway.
Rarely will i buy in shops (if i can even find any anime in shops) unless it's really cheap or i can't wait to get it and just buy it. However the same can be said for all my dvd buys, not just anime.
Mostly on the net as I import alot of R1 stuff. If it was the same question for manga it used to be the other way around mainly ordering with my western comics, but now I have realised how much cheaper places like the book depositry and even ordering from the US are than buying on the high street I am starting to order more online.
Even though most of my purchases are on the net I still like the fact that I can browse in store, that's how I ended up getting Afro Samurai (Bravo Edition) and Anime Showcase 2.

Its also essential to people without the net and sometimes you can just be convinced because its in front of you
Dan said:
Its also essential to people without the net and sometimes you can just be convinced because its in front of you

Everyone has the Internet. Are there anime fans without the Internet?

Even if someone doesn't have Internet, they can still go into Internet cafes/whatever else. No Internet is no excuse these days, sorry to say.
I especially get it from the net.

I do my research on it, then I by it, and usually this is from a auction site

melonpan said:
Dan said:
Its also essential to people without the net and sometimes you can just be convinced because its in front of you

Everyone has the Internet. Are there anime fans without the Internet?

Even if someone doesn't have Internet, they can still go into Internet cafes/whatever else. No Internet is no excuse these days, sorry to say.

There are people out there, lots of people, who won't buy online thanks to fears of identity theft or whatever. Or they just don't have a credit card and haven't educated themselves on alternatives. It sounds nuts, but they're definitely out there in force - I'm heavily into imported music and because you can't get a lot of things in shops here at all, I've heard all the excuses and moans there can be from people who can't get themselves sorted and buy online.

Also, new fans and young people who don't have decent payment options or freedom are most susceptible to impulse buys in person. It's a lot easier to save up some pocket money and grab Bleach vol1 for a tenner when out with Grandma than to nag your paranoid mum into using her credit card on the evil internet. Maybe things like Utawarerumono wouldn't sell any worse being online only, but mainstream series and shounen jump crack needs to be out there in as many places as possible.

And I would never use my credit card in an internet cafe, regardless of access!

I mostly buy online (except when, like now, I have a bunch of high street vouchers to burn through) but the availability of "easy" anime in shops helps newbies ease into things. Even if it's not actually cheaper.

I suppose competition is a dangerous thing online too. In a shop, your choice is watching your fan service that day or waiting to save a few pounds. Online, you will naturally shop for the cheapest. Cheaper imports are only a click away.

Before I ventured into online purchasing my anime collection was small. When I had to track down volume 7 of NOIR I decided I would purchase it online since I couldn't find it in any shops. After that my collection sky rocketed!

Back yonder, when I was buying anime DVDs in shops I rarely paid any attention to what company made it and what the anime was like, basically I'd just look at the back of the box and gauge from that if it was worth buying.
I usually buy online because it's often cheaper - simple as that really. Sometimes I take advantage of special offers in high street shops, but in summing up I shop around a lot because I'm a cheapskate! :p

Delivery times for online purchases don't bother me since I have a constant backlog to work through...
I went for "Rarely in high-street shops, mostly on the Internet". Which is kind of a truth for me, I tend to buy in more of a bulk whenever I'm purchasing off the internet, and only occasional volumes in-store. Although, The times when I do buy anime, Whenever its in-store or the internet seem to be evenly spread out across however long.

BUT! I spend a devilish amount of cash at Expo's and I collect money through the year to spend on anime and related things at conventions. This is because its much easier for me, I don't have to get someone else to purchase the item online for me.
I've only ever purchased anime twice offline, both times being before my Find-DVD days.

I mainly buy anime on eBay: It's cheaper (if you're smart) and you can get some really rare stuff. I also have just about every R2 anime DVD on my Find-DVD watchlist, so I know within 24 hours if there has been a reduction on something I want...unless Find-DVD messes up.
I do shop in the ight street sometimes for anime, mainly HMV or Forbbiden planet when there on sale. as each 4-6 eps cost £20, so its kinda step. >.<;
Otherwise I get mine off ebay, from hong kong. I can get boxsets for like £20-£30. Witch is awesome! and the P&P is nice too :)
Yay for hong kong! <3
animegoth666 said:
I do shop in the ight street sometimes for anime, mainly HMV or Forbbiden planet when there on sale. as each 4-6 eps cost £20, so its kinda step. >.<;
Otherwise I get mine off ebay, from hong kong. I can get boxsets for like £20-£30. Witch is awesome! and the P&P is nice too :)
Yay for hong kong! <3

Chances are though, they're bootlegs, which makes buying them as bad as fansubs for the industry (and they often are fansubs), whilst giving money to random bootleggers on top...

Though you can get legit boxsets for that much too if you shop around, Geneon and BVU notwithstanding.
