Had a bit of a dabble in the sale at HMV, also created my 746th account with them to swindle a further 20% off.
Firstly, just a couple of things to tick off for on-going releases I'm collecting:
Inuyasha: Season 2 standard edition
Vinland Saga: Season 2 Part 1
And then, although, not in the sale, I picked up my first DVD purchase in God knows how long: Beck Mongolian Chop Squad. I had no idea Anime Limited released this. As a teenager, I remember owning the special edition guitar amplifier set (which, looking into it, was a Funimation release back in the day). I have fond memories of this show, like many I'm sure, it actually inspired me to pick up a guitar (it didn't last very long though, I got to about playing Smoke on the Water on one string and gave up

). I remember the show having a very cool soundtrack, and with me, any show with killer music is already halfway to winning me over!
Another one for Second Sight's new Blair Witch Project release, from HMV. This has had a lot of talk about it, as this transfer is said to be how the film was originally intended to look (according to those that worked on the film). I believe they did something funny with the theatrical release when this was shown in cinemas originally, meaning that the film looked different as it was transferred to 35mm film, rather than shown on the original material (i.e., Hi-8 tape and 16mm film). It was this inaccurate theatrical release that was then used for all the home video releases since... until today!