US teenager suspended from school for keeping Death Note


Ghost of Animes
A teenagage student in the US was <a href="">recently suspended from his Virginia school</a> after he was discovered to be writing his own (clearly labelled) "death note"; alarms were immediately raised when a teacher found the student listing and reading out the names of several of his fellow class-mates, something that's unsurprising given the US education system still recovering from the spring 2007 Seung-Hui Cho <a href="">shootings at</a> Virginia Tech university.

Of course, he was inspired by the world famous Japanese franchise of same name, in which the main character can almost-instantly murder anyone, anywhere by simply writing their name in the supernatural "Death Note". The story <a href="">has created</a> similiar controversies in China and Taiwan, where in certain places the franchise is out-right banned.
Oh god, Why are people so over dramatic about some death note... Face it, its just some fantasy that some pathetic lowly Fanboy want to joke around with for fun...
Chrono Mizaki said:
Oh god, Why are people so over dramatic about some death note... Face it, its just some fantasy that some pathetic lowly Fanboy want to joke around with for fun...
The problem is some of these people are probably mentally unbalanced enough to actually attempt to make their "Deathnote" come to pass. Let's face it, anybody writing people's names down in the hope or wish they will die is not exactly a full shilling.
This isn't the first time >_> Didn't something like this happen in China a year or so ago and then there’s that thing that happened in Belgium as well. People are such idiots :S he was just like...sitting there, reading aloud to himself from his death note. INTENSE.

Unless he was y'know...talking to some military shinigami or whatever. =/
No... writing down names in your notebook won't make people die... :roll: Even if you read out loud.

Theres always one :evil: seriously, leave death-note alone
Wildcard said:
No... writing down names in your notebook won't make people die... :roll: Even if you read out loud.

Theres always one :evil: seriously, leave death-note alone
Yeah I agree it only takes one nutter to taint the thousands of fans who are (relatively) normal. Sounds like it was either an emo or a nut job who needs better social skills.

*gets mental image of sitting in school like L* :lol:
With all the Stupid people in the world this could result in a Review of What Manga would be translated & sold in the US/UK.

You gotta Think the relatively Intelligent People In this World are being outnumbered by the easily influenced/Stupid people
thekendyman said:
With all the Stupid people in the world this could result in a Review of What Manga would be translated & sold in the US/UK.

You gotta Think the relatively Intelligent People In this World are being outnumbered by the easily influenced/Stupid people
Stupid people have always outnumbered intelligent people; it requires much less effort to be stupid than it does to have some common sense and exhibit some intelligence.
Kinda stupid really. I suppose if your in the teacher's position it could look like some sort of plan to kill off other students... but in the end it could be something simple like the guy deciding to do it purely over having too much spare time on his hands.
this is worryin because there have already been many incidents with nutters taking manga or anime too seriosly and creating there own fantasy in reality.
this could get people starting to question genres of manga.
AnimeEnchanter said:
this could get people starting to question genres of manga.

The genre is shounen, I doubt people will start to take the long list of shounen manga off the shelves because of one title.