Things are on the up!


I've got to say that i'm impressed with the current state of the anime DVD market in the UK. I don't know if it's because of improved sales or if they're just taking a risk but DVD prices have dropped considerably recently and it's made me actually drop importing for a while.

Manga, ADV and the new revelation films are leading this. Manga with their 3 for £20 and general no more than £10 on recent releases like Otogi Zoshi, She the Ultimate Weapon, Heat Guy J and SAC 2nd Gig. As well as this their Naruto boxsets are dirt cheap and they also took into account of the length of the series by releasing three disks per volume in a normal sized DVD case.

ADV have also dropped prices with now being able to pick up EVA, Mezzo, Rahexaphon and so on for less than £10 and sometimes less than £5!

The newcomer Revelation Films has also suprised me, you pretty much get the same quality product as you would with MVM but at a lower price and it even looks like they are planning on releasing Fullmetal Alchemist in season boxsets ( has a series 1 boxset listed). They are also keeping up a consistant release shedule.

MVM and Beez have dropped their prices too but their price drops aren't as groundbreaking but hey, a drop is a drop! MVM look to be taking a different approach by releasing relatively cheap boxsets.

Overall it's all very encouraging and coming from somebody who used to import EVERYTHING because of the prices, i'm now actually just buying from my home turf because it's... well, cheaper now in some cases. It's not perfect yet but this shows that we really are getting there. I hope it gets to a point where i'll never feel the need to import again for value of money.

Just thought I'd spread my positive vibes and get some feedback on what you all thing about the way things are going. :)
Its nice to see prices finally coming down, I never even used to bother looking for dvd's in the uk due to the extortionate prices that were being charged. I always used to import of just watch fansubs but now I tend to buy in the uk if I can find what I want
Im very happy myself with the way things are going. Its just great to have anime cheaper aswell as having more an more boxsets. I never would have thought it possible a couple years ago so just goes to show everythings on the up. Its also good to see that the release of new shows are getting close an closer to those coming out in america. So for most shows we dont have to wait a year or 2 anymore its more like a couple months which I think is great as that also helps prevent people going bah I cant wait i'll import. So all in all im happy with it may it continue to get better :D
WTFDaveMustaine said:
The newcomer Revelation Films has also suprised me, you pretty much get the same quality product as you would with MVM but at a lower price and it even looks like they are planning on releasing Fullmetal Alchemist in season boxsets ( has a series 1 boxset listed).

Oh, cool! I was looking at my FMA DVDs and it annoyed me that they looked kind of inconsistent with the MVM - Revelation change. I might get the sets and flog the induvidual DVDs.
While i've just started my Anime collection this month its good to see that i've been able to grab some very good deals. While i've had to import some dvds because they are unavailable here the majority i will buy from will be in the U.K

It's good to see that the distributors etc have noticed the demand and are catering for the market. With things such as free shipping and special offers there is really no better time than now to start collecting anime and i think this will entice people to buy one of the DVD's for a fiver and bingo! theres a new fan right there.

Hopefully this trend can continue as more brands are brought to the U.K market.
Yeah things are on the up in regards to buying anime, but my bank account balance is now 'on the down' :(, gah soo much cheap anime to buy...

I was meant to be saving money this month as well :p, ah well will have to do that next month :) and hope there isn't too much cheap anime i want ^^.
I remember during 2004/5 there was no anime on TV at all. Now it's everywhere, Studio Ghibli has really taken off in the UK thanks to Film4/Channel 4 and even the BBC aired Spirited Away over Christmas.

The DVD releases are being pushed forwards by Manga Ent. - they were the first ones to really start pushing down prices and even dubbed GITS2: Innocence especially for the UK (and Australian) release.

The ever consistent NEO magazine fills the gap of printed media too. More conventions than ever, people watching fansubs on buses in Cambridge, some would say this is a renaissance for the UK community!

So in short, I completely agree with what everyone else is saying - it's getting better all the time.
£10.99 Revelation stuff is a big deal for me. I don't really wanna pay £15+ for less than two hours of anime, but £11 is much more agreeable. I've been buying a lot of Revelation stuff recently, compared to my usual anime buying.

I take issue to HMV selling Rev stuff for £16 though...especially when Revelation advertises that the DVDs are meant to be £10.99.
McIcy said:
Very true, I sold off a load of my single anime dvd's when the boxsets came out, no point in keeping doubles

Yeah, and FMA is the type of series that deserves to be presented nicely, my collection looks messy right now.
It is getting better, and we're helping alot. A couple of months ago in Newport, I was looking at the tokyopop manga rail in the new waterstones and I saw someone else come up, asking me if I knew what I was doing. In the end we had a decent talk and at least 5 people came up to the rail to see what we were looking at. There isn't even a good stock rail there! Same with HMV, I have to fight my way through fair for someone my hight :(

anyway, enough with my life story. Anime is definatly getting better over here *big kakashi - sensei thumbs up* ^^