The constant spam posted in general anime.


It's getting more and more regular by the look of it. It seems that everytime I wander into that forum i'm greeted with topics like "Webcam sluts hot for you!" or "5 small steps for a bigger dongle". It's kinda irritating.

To solve this Paul might be able to intergrate Captcha into the forum somehow. It will stop bot's from signing up since you have to enter a 3 digit code.

Just an idea.
OK well, I've made a few changes.

Capatcha was already in use, but I've installed a few new hacks which should hopefully stem the flood.
Well given it didn't really work too well in the end, I've switched on e-mail confirmation. This should put a stop to it, but then people tend to lose e-mails in SPAM filters etc so it may impact on new users. Either way, lets see how this goes.
I found that on Hotmail at least the confirmation e-mail goes to the junk mail folder instead of their inbox. It's something that affects many phpbb forums and not just this one so any fellow Hotmail users will need to watch out for this when they register. :)
You could put a notice topic about this saying, New Users, When you sign up for this forum you will need to confirm your e-mail address, this e-mail may go into your junk mail so please check that before giving up. etc etc
If people are physically doing it, then there is little we can do. The e-mail verification has slowed it down so that it's only say one post a day and that's enough for me.