Survey on Manga!


Completely Average High School Student
Hi Everyone,

I am doing some research on Manga for my dissertation and was hoping some of you may be able to help me! I have a quick 10 question survey which is aimed for readers of Manga.

I would appreciate any response to my survey! I have copied the link to it below, and look forward to hearing from you!

I've tried filling it in. The survey is somewhat flawed as I could quite fill it out the way I wanted to. For example in the question "Do you understand the Japanese cultural references in Manga?" I wanted to say neither "Yes" or "No", so I went to "Other" and said "Sometimes".

But it wouldn't accept my answer unless I ticketed one of the options you forced me to answer. So in the end I ticketed "Yes" and filled in the "Other" box as well.
Thank you so much Ian, I really appreciate you filling this in. I had no idea it wouldnt let you 'not tick' a response. Il see if I can change this! Thanks again
I filled in the survey - if enough people follow suit, it'll be interesting to see how each individual manga reader differs in their perception of the media.