Shirow 1000 Editions Posters and Vegeta

cyborg 002

School Idol
I am sorting out what posters to keep. I don't have them hanging on my walls. I bought them years ago, and considering I have no plans on buying frames and actualy hang them up.I may aswell sell them and fund my future purchases and or save up some more for my new TV.

I have four 1000 Editions Masamune Shirow posters in a tube very much like this one.
Masamune Shirow Poster Collection from 1000 Editions, Ghost in the Shell, NM. | eBay

The tube is a different color and the 4 posters are also not the same as the ones in the auction. I am surprised the auction linked above went for 75.00$

Just wondering if this is a one time price and it was sold to someone who realy wanted it, or if they are going for this on a usual basis?

Also I have a DBZ Vegeta wall scroll in fabric. There is not sold auctions or auctions for this up at all, so I have no idea if it's a rare one I have?