Good thread.
Definitely the last option for me: I don't like the exploitative, cutesy, brain cell destroying typical secondary school anime aka "moe"or whatever its called.
I have worked with children in a number of different settings, and I suppose this only strengthens that view. My biggest problems with these shows is that they are clearly aimed at children yet they are more often than not only display a super stereotypical/idealised view which is very unrelatable for children anywhere in the world including Japan (in some ways especially Japan, given the typical appearance of the characters). The lead characters are always wafer thin with massive eyes and often completely indistinguishable from 80% of other school set anime protagonists, in other words have no believable character or charm. As Ill already pointed out they often only portray a "fantasy land" of school life. But how does this make the children feel, whose school life isn't a "fantasy land" and who aren't anything like the unrealistic and popular protagonists that dominate these shows. I will admit there are some shows that do try to convey more poignant messages of loneliness ect, ect, but all too often I find that these shows handle these issues very poorly.
To add to this there is also the problem of over sexualisation and panty shots galore in some of these shows. This does raise the issue of who these shows are really aimed at (why include such scenes in anime that on the whole are aimed at children?), and the fact that the creators of the show are completely morally bankrupt. This somewhat detracts from the enjoyment of the show for me.
As someone who has worked in schools I can't enjoy shows that are so obviously created only as a cash in and which would often only provide confusing or just plain wrong messages to the children. I want to see more anime that goes against the grain and that would really try and empower children instead.
All that being said there are some genuinely brilliant Japanese anime that are set in school, however they are unfortunately just a whole lot of crap ones as well. Some are so bad that I genuinely can't understand how any grown person can actually enjoy them. Honestly compared to some of the school anime which do quite well (even in the west) there are BBC children's school set dramas or comedies that are absolutely brilliant in comparison, with more involving storytelling and characterisation. So why wouldn't I just watch that instead, what am I actually missing out on? The bug eyes?