Production I.G. looking to take GitS to Hollywood


Ghost of Animes
Production I.G. are looking to take their massively popular Ghost in the Shell name to new heights by signing a deal to try to secure US interest in producing a live action movie based on the popular science fiction franchise. Japanese companies have mostly failed in negotiations with US movie producers, but Production I.G are seen as having a good history of foreign collaboration, most notably co-producing "IGPX" with Cartoon Network and Mamoru Oshii's original Ghost in the Shell movie was co-funded by Manga Entertainment too.
Sweet I'd love to see a live action version of this, as long as they get the casting right and don't trash it like so many other conversions
I thought the rights of Ghost In the Shell belonged to Masamune Shirow, so why are Production IG doing the talking?
Could be great but the most likely event would be it would look like another Matrix clone. That is unless they get people that actually respect the source material.
Im not sure I like the idea of this. Hollywood always has a way of messing anime to live action films up. I hope they dont mess this one up.
Lupus Inu said:
As long as it isn't CGI'd to the max, I'll welcome it with open arms.
I honestly can't see how it couldn't be with what US movies are at the moment.

If the movie gets made then that's what GitS will be remembered for by the masses. I can hear it now... "That movie totally rips off the Matrix, it sucks.".
What's funny about this little piece of news I was only thinking about this the other day for no reason whatsoever.

It could work if the right people were in on it. Or more likely it could be easily ruined.

I got a far, far better idea. Just make another animated film in Japan. Good idea, right?

WTFDaveMustaine said:
"That movie totally rips off the Matrix, it sucks.".

I can imagine that. Which is made all the worse because my favourite aspect of the whole Matrix franchise is The Animatrix, which contains a small documentary about animè and mentions that Ghost In The Shell was one of the biggest inspirations towards the whole creation of The Matrix saga to begin with.

Mad world.
Hovis! said:
I got a far, far better idea. Just make another animated film in Japan. Good idea, right?
Best idea yet. This time focus more on Togusa as the central character. Or even better than that a third season of SAC.
Hovis! said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Or even better than that a third season of SAC.

Or lets be really greedy and have a new film and a thrid series / season.

I just wet myself... :wink: :lol:

Yep I agree with Hovis! screw just one film why not give us what we really want, a whole new series and on top of that a film to go with it.
Mutsumi said:
I think they should keep a live-action GitS home grown. I fear a western adaptation would not do it justice.

Agreed you can see Hollywood turning it inside out and then dumbing down the techno side of it to make it about terrorists attacking the US and a lone (come on we all know they'd make it into a one hero movie rather than a team style) agent saves the saves the day, probably with the help of a wise cracking sidekick tamo tank
McIcy said:
Sweet I'd love to see a live action version of this, as long as they get the casting right and don't trash it like so many other conversions

That was also my first thought. The characters are what makes Stand Alone Complex so satisfying to watch. There is a fair amount of dialogue in the series and I would hate them to dumb it down and just create another action movie.

McIcy said:
...probably with the help of a wise cracking sidekick tamo tank

O good god - they would do that wouldn't they?
Paul said:
Production I.G are seen as having a good history of foreign collaboration, most notably co-producing "IGPX" with Cartoon Network and Mamoru Oshii's original Ghost in the Shell movie was co-funded by Manga Entertainment too.

Didn't Production IG also have a hand in Kill Bill?
7zark7 said:
Paul said:
Production I.G are seen as having a good history of foreign collaboration, most notably co-producing "IGPX" with Cartoon Network and Mamoru Oshii's original Ghost in the Shell movie was co-funded by Manga Entertainment too.

Didn't Production IG also have a hand in Kill Bill?

Yeah, they produced the anime section.

As for GitS as live action, there really is material for an amazing film there but given how hollywood has treated previous adaptions I'm quite worried it'll suck.

Also, I really don't like the idea of the superb anime(s) being forgotten about because of some overhyped US film.