Neo Magazine issue #9 out now


Ghost of Animes
Issue nine of NEO- the UK's only Asian pop culture magazine (with a heavy emphasis on anime and manga)- was officially released last Thursday and should soon be available at (amongst many other large chain stores) your local Forbidden Planet, Borders and WH Smiths.

As well as the usual features (including spotlights on Samurai Champloo and Barefoot Gen), NEO #9 sports a completely new look as well as fresh approach to much of its content.
Going to pick this up tomorrow, Ive heard good things about this issue, so I'm willing to give it a try, shall post my opinions tomorrow!
Mangaminx said:
Going to pick this up tomorrow, Ive heard good things about this issue, so I'm willing to give it a try, shall post my opinions tomorrow!

I would do the same, but since around Issue 3 it's been increasingly hard to find the thing.
I bought it yesterday, not quite sure why :lol: Oh! I remember, there was a review of the Fushigi Yuugi manga and it was given 5 stars - I think - and I decided anything that had a "bit" about FY should be worth getting!
I haven't read it yet, but then again my issue 8 is still in the cellophane :?
Well Ive read most of it after picking it up today and I am certainly more impressed by this issue than any others.

The new layout is good throughout, a much more stylish look I thought.
The articles seem to have a great deal more content wise, the Mezzo one was enjoyable,
In fact everything just seemed to be better content wise from the reviews to the articles to the news.
The cover is actually pretty good, far better than the hidious Godzilla and Star Wars ones.

Overall, I'm actually looking forward to the next issue now, and hoping these improvements keep with it. This particular issue felt a whole lot more like what I wanted from NEO to begin with. Yay.
I thought this issue was pretty good, I like the idea of having smaller 'bite-size' kind of reviews as well as the main ones. I also like that they ahd given scores to the DVDs content and the extras on them.
ADV advertised, every other month, in the Official Playstation Magasine :p (the one that made those aweful and ingorant comments :x )
This issue was a pretty enjoyable read, the new review layout seemed good, i also liked the fact they had the couple of smaller reviews aswell, and the way they had both a star rating for content and extras was good, very movie magazineish.
I've liked the manga creating feature in both this issue and the last one, and the bluffers guide to Japanese history was good too. I liked quite a bit of the news network bit at the back (quite a few websites i will be having a look at), though i would have liked it if they had put a star rating and opinions on the toys they talked about.
I liked the front cover (so can't wait to watch that), though something i would still like is a few reviews of american releases of both anime and manga, i think there was one manga, but a few others would be good since this issue seemed to mostly review the new Gollancz releases.

Next issue i'm looking forward to the Howl's Moving Castle feature, and i'm also really looking forward to the Jackie Chan interview :)
I thought the bluffers guide to Japanese history was a good read. I've always been interested in learning a little more about Japanese history and this was a decent taster; the origins of samurai and ninja was especially cool.
i picked up a copy this morning and flicked through it over a cup of coffee and was really impressed. the writing and content have improved and the changes have been good ones. the history thing was really interesting and i'm really looking forward to Samurai Champloo now. it's good to see the promotion of the likes of Sweatdrop as well.
Got my copy last week and I have to agree that this issue has been a big improvement, both in layout and content (although I've only had time to skim the articles so far). Guess even 'small vocal minorities' can be satisfied after all... ;)