Need help

That's a strangely specific request. Please put a little more thoughts into your posts rather than stringing people along, as otherwise people tend to get annoyed and stop answering (then I delete the thread when it becomes nothing but bumps).

Do you have any genre/style preferences or are you literally just interested in any anime of any kind involving the school killing scenario you described?

I think what s/he's saying is that they've told someone that they watched an anime, and when pressed on what it was about described that particular scenario and now needs to know the name of an anime with said scenario to cover their ass....

What a bizarre thing that would be to lie about though lol let that be a lesson kids, DON'T LIE!

*Wait, maybe I'm well off the mark here....ignore me lol.
I know its terrible to lie..
But i had to do it....and are right buzz....just any genre...any anime whit that kind of scenario...
Sorry for bothering you all
There was that one episode of YuruYuri...

Still, I could think of a few situations where admitting you lied is probably a better option than admitting you watched YuruYuri.