Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms Cinema Screening Review


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Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms is almost a review within a title; Mari Okada obviously has a lot of talent and fascinating ideas that I’m sure we’ll see blossom as the years go by. Her directional debut may not be perfect but there’s certainly enough to recommend seeing it in cinemas this summer.

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I agree with the review. I found the over the top drama displayed by the main character to be annoying. I kept falling asleep in the first half hour, and was thinking of walking out. I did enjoy the beautiful scenery, but overall the story didn't work for me.
Don't really understand why the reviewer didn't get why the Mezarte kingdom wanted the power of the Iroph. It's patently clear they wanted to their royalty to breed with them so they had heirs to the throne which were pretty much immortal. Also it was clearly explained that the cloth they weaved held their history and was used to communicate with each other. Outside their clan it was also a highly sought cloth. Also it's plainly obvious why the Mezarte military would capture the Renato to use in battle.

Unlike other directors, Okada didn't over explain the world she created to the audience. The melodrama should have been reined in. It spoiled the film for me. But the focus on motherhood was really interesting. Considering her childhood, it's no wonder Okada has explored this theme in her work numerous times.
Yeah, the film is quite clear that the kingdom is in decline due to the violent dementia that is afflicting the ever dwindling numbers of Renatos and so they see producing a new royal lineage with effective immortality to be a means to retain their strength.

Given I can relate to a lot of what Okada has revealed about her childhood, I quite enjoyed it. She has some interesting stuff to say on what she views on the issue about where a woman ends and a mother begins and also what of children that are born from unhappy circumstances.