Lost an anime!!!!!

Mr JG Strinati

Hi all!

I was wondering if you could help me track down an anime I saw 2 or so years ago that I've been itching to re-watch and see how far it's progressed. I saw the first season (maybe not even all of it) and then got side-tracked.

The Premise: Starts with a clearly lazy guy narrating as he goes to a manga convention for obscure artists (Japanese word beginning with 'O' (Otaku?)). As he approaches a portal opens up and armoured soldiers with medieval weapons riding flying and walking lizards come through and start attacking. The guy helps save a child's life and directs people to safety. Then it cuts to a year later and it turns out the guy is in the army who is now launching a counter attack through the portal (destroying all opposition on the other side). Then they go on a peace mission/ recon mission and one by one the soldiers get jealous of the main dude as all the anime-cliche girls like to be near him.

That's about as much as I remember, I can't even remember if it had an English title!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

