J-Novel Club Adds Ascendance of a Bookworm, Full Metal Panic! & More Light Novel Titles

It's always nice when JNC gets new stuff, particularly good stuff. FMP was very unexpected as well.

I've read the currently released parts of Bookworm, Campfire Cooking and Magicmaster. The first two have good reputations and have started decently enough; Bookworm looking like it has rather a lot of potential as a more "realistic" isekai and Campfire Cooking as more of an easy ride akin to things like Smartphone, but with cooking. Magicmaster... well let's just say I read the first four parts and won't be reading any more.
Started reading all four already, Bookworm is definitely the favourite atm. It's nice to see FMP rescued and although I'm usually not a mecha fan, I'm giving it a fair shot. It's entertaining so fair. Not sure what to make of Campfire Cooking and Magicmaster, I think I'll stick with Magicmaster but unless Campfire Cooking does anything interesting by the end of the book I'll probably drop it - it's quite similar to I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and I Told You To Make Me Into a Pampered Pooch, which I really don't need more of right now. Especially not when Campfire Cooking isn't even as good as them.

Good batch of licenses though and it's nice to see J-Novel Club branching out again, Bookworm and FMP aren't your typical fare from the publisher.
Bookworm has an anime adaptation coming, doesn't it. Maybe the start of a trend of female lead isekai along with the Otome Villainess one I've just heard about.
I know that was the trend in the 90s with stuff like Escaflowne, before .hack and SAO switched the trend. And everyone since has been male lead (I can only think of
Märchen Mädchen last Winter that had a female leed and the less said about that the better).
Bookworm has an anime adaptation coming, doesn't it. Maybe the start of a trend of female lead isekai along with the Otome Villainess one I've just heard about.

It does indeed! I think we are seeing a bit of a trend moving in that direction, even in typically male led genres like Shonen (we have Emma now for example, from Promised Neverland). It's quite nice to see even if it's likely just a passing trend.