Interesting idea...


Straw Hat Pirate
I have been searching through various sites, Play Amazon etc, but i find my searches are awkward because they search under "DVD" for example, and not specifically ANIME, is there a way to get the search engines to do the hard work for you?
I don't see why you have a problem, to be honest; even if you only narrow your search to "DVD", the chances are that if you type in the name of an anime, its going to come up with that anime. I highly doubt that searching "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" (or just "Haruhi"), for instance, will bring up completely unrelated live-action Hollywood films, etc.

When I search for anime on Amazon, I always get the what I was searching for as one of the first few results, or at the very least on the first page.
I just seem to get frustrated by sites that don't seem to categorise their stuff correctly, which I tend to find quite often when looking for anime and manga. You look in the anime/manga section under dvds/books and you can’t find what you are looking for but when you type into the search it comes up under action or some such. This is most infuriating when you are browsing and you see a series that interests you and all but one volume is there, but when you type in it comes up. Also misspelled or garbled titles like adding "the" make it hard as this sometimes move one volume to "T" instead of whatever letter it should have been under..
Dan said:
Dan said:
Even I didn't know about the amazon one

Cheers :D

Personally I just wanna browse through all anime, so thats helpful for me :D

On a side note, if your looking for the anime sale/reduced stuff on Amazon you have to look in the "World Cinema" section. For some reason "Anime" gets it's own section but the sale stuff is a sub-section in the "World Cinema" section.
For example, if you go to anime on play, but i want to filter it so i can only see complete series, i cant use the search box, as thats ALL DVD, my only option is to trawl through their anime section...
eBay pisses me off because there's no anime DVD section. This is a problem when most people are very stupid and don't put anime in the titles of their auctions, meaning I have to search for series individually... -_-
Aion said:
eBay pisses me off because there's no anime DVD section. This is a problem when most people are very stupid and don't put anime in the titles of their auctions, meaning I have to search for series individually... -_-

there was an anime section, but for some reason they consolodated it and it is ******* annoying now unless you search specifically.
Rog said:
Dan said:
Dan said:
Even I didn't know about the amazon one

Cheers :D

Personally I just wanna browse through all anime, so thats helpful for me :D

On a side note, if your looking for the anime sale/reduced stuff on Amazon you have to look in the "World Cinema" section. For some reason "Anime" gets it's own section but the sale stuff is a sub-section in the "World Cinema" section.

I never knew that, who's crap idea was that then? :?
Aion said:
eBay pisses me off because there's no anime DVD section. This is a problem when most people are very stupid and don't put anime in the titles of their auctions, meaning I have to search for series individually... -_-

Yeah and you have to search for Manga sometimes too, as we know people make that common misconception :)
if you go to anime on play, but i want to filter it so i can only see complete series, i cant use the search box, as thats ALL DVD, my only option is to trawl through their anime section...

You don't have to "trawl" through their entire anime section for pete's sake. All you do is type the name of an anime you want in the search box, click search, and lo and behold the anime you want appears as if by magic on the first page. How hard can that really be? You should give it a go some time :wink:
Aion said:
eBay pisses me off because there's no anime DVD section. This is a problem when most people are very stupid and don't put anime in the titles of their auctions, meaning I have to search for series individually... -_-

If you want to filter the anime on ebay go to the DVDs section, select anime in the genre selection box in the 'DVDs finder' on the left side of the page and then click on 'show items'.
H said:
Aion said:
eBay pisses me off because there's no anime DVD section. This is a problem when most people are very stupid and don't put anime in the titles of their auctions, meaning I have to search for series individually... -_-

If you want to filter the anime on ebay go to the DVDs section, select anime in the genre selection box in the 'DVDs finder' on the left side of the page and then click on 'show items'.

I love you in a gay way.

Thanks, I can't believe I didn't see it until now!!! :oops:
fabricatedlunatic said:
I wish there were a way to filter out the ****** bootlegs. Then I'd be able to decide whether I was interested in any of the 7 or 8 remaining auctions.

I usually find selecting "UK Only" or "EU Only" filters out 90% of the bootlegs being sold from China etc, just leaving the small handful being sold from here.
ryuzaki said:
You don't have to "trawl" through their entire anime section for pete's sake. All you do is type the name of an anime you want in the search box, click search, and lo and behold the anime you want appears as if by magic on the first page. How hard can that really be? You should give it a go some time :wink:

Oh thank you, very useful... not. :roll: