IAnime *brand new anime forum*


Completely Average High School Student

ok I have made this brand new anime forum and I need staff
so you yes you reading this might be the next one to be a mod :D
so we need members and staff were new and i already posted some good things :D we will be big...

IAnime #1 link

McIcy said:
Oh yay someone trying to poach members, and not even a posting on the introduction page, how VERY rude

its 11:08
im tired and i still have to watch a movie give me a break im not
a advertisment member i will post
McIcy said:
In that case I retract my previous state... for the most part, as its 7.30am here and am at work so I am a little cranky too

I wouldnt mind haveing you on staff on my forum your more then welcome just say the word
ColdGrindFX said:
McIcy said:
In that case I retract my previous state... for the most part, as its 7.30am here and am at work so I am a little cranky too

I wouldnt mind haveing you on staff on my forum your more then welcome just say the word

Cheers for the offer dude, but I am pretty much busy here (and with the bike forum I am a member of), one day I aim to have to highest post count here wah ha ha ha
ColdGrindFX said:
cool but post count mean nothing really...

Maybe, maybe not, each person needs there own goal in life, whether it be crossing the antarctic or posting on a forum or complete world domination. Everyone has a niche they must fill :D
What is the point of it all? How is it any different from here? I can't even read the posts that people have made to see if it is worth joining so I won't bother.
McIcy said:
ColdGrindFX said:
cool but post count mean nothing really...

Maybe, maybe not, each person needs there own goal in life, whether it be crossing the antarctic or posting on a forum or complete world domination. Everyone has a niche they must fill :D

Post count means a heckuvalot! If it's not messed around with, it can really show someone's dedication to said forum. Keep it up McIcy.

As for this new forum, with only a few members, a webmaster who can't use grammar nor punctuation properly and a weird logo of gunmen, do I really want to be a part of this?

Convince me!
adamcube said:
McIcy said:
ColdGrindFX said:
cool but post count mean nothing really...

Maybe, maybe not, each person needs there own goal in life, whether it be crossing the antarctic or posting on a forum or complete world domination. Everyone has a niche they must fill :D

Post count means a heckuvalot! If it's not messed around with, it can really show someone's dedication to said forum. Keep it up McIcy.

Ah cheers for that Adamcube 8) I am almost up to being added to the top 10 posters of all time, one day I hope to beat pauls score
McIcy said:
adamcube said:
McIcy said:
ColdGrindFX said:
cool but post count mean nothing really...

Maybe, maybe not, each person needs there own goal in life, whether it be crossing the antarctic or posting on a forum or complete world domination. Everyone has a niche they must fill :D

Post count means a heckuvalot! If it's not messed around with, it can really show someone's dedication to said forum. Keep it up McIcy.

Ah cheers for that Adamcube 8) I am almost up to being added to the top 10 posters of all time, one day I hope to beat pauls score

Sure thing ^^. Gambete kudasai!
I want to add that post count isn't as important as post quality. Posting just for the sake of it can lead to a very SPAM filled forum! This whole community has been buzzing of late though! This looks to be our best month for while now.