Hello to all you good people


Completely Average High School Student
Hi all UK and worldwide anime, Manga and art appreciating peeps!

Trinity of one here London although I dont have a massive knowledge of this medium of artwork and certainly appreciate it and enjoy it. My dad was a big fan! I'd say even fanatical at times!

I remember he would watch the same episode of certain series he loved over and over!

He sadly passed away just before Christmas.

Cleaning out his flat I have come across various bits of art and dvds stashed in the attic.

I have been sorting threw them and even enjoying the odd dvd.

I joined here A to get more Information on them and B to sell any of the titles or books people may want.

In that way hopefully someone will get some use out of them, enjoy just owning them as well as watching them as I know he did.

Anyway over the next few weeks I will list them all In the market place.

If anyone can offer info and value It would be most appreciated!

As well as expressing an interest if they want to buy any of these items as well.

Cheers everyone Trin 😎
Thanks Rui! We are actually having a short memorial service for him today finally! Had to wait a while because family spread out around the world!

I have some Conan future boy? and apple seed cards and artwork to go on his memorial or things he loved.
