Final Fantasy 11 on Xbox 360


Brigade Leader
Hey all.
Im considering getting this on the 360, is it worth getting?

Also is it easy to get on xbox live? My Pc is on a network internet connection so what would i need to buy to get my Xbox online? And what kind of fess do they charge for playing FFX1 online??

Thanks all

Well I love my 360 a great deal, has managed to reignite my love of gaming after not enjoying it for a long time.

Im not sure about what you'd need to get online with a network, but I just plug my PC's cable modem cable straight into the 360 and bam it's online, simple as that. Xbox Live is a very good service really and works well whatever your using it for in my experience.

No idea on FF11 fees but Arbalest has FF11 on the 360 so ask him ;)
The fees for ff11 is £9.99, and its expensive than the pc version. Many mags discribe ff11 as lacking for 360, as its no real improvement over the ps2 and pc version.

But the bad side is that I recommend you to own a keyboard because pc version and ps2 with keyboard add-on chat with it. So, good luck finding a keyboard for 360 [if there is one] and its no real next gen game. Otherwise, if you use a keyboard, it be real fun.

I recommend it if you're a ff fan and a mmorpg addict, and will keep you addicted. I would go for it, world of warcraft dosen't suit me because I hate orcs and even though I'm bit of a geek, being rpg addict and all, but I think world of warcraft is a lot geekier. I rather balanced myself between geekiness and coolness, so rpgs and Raps songs are my balance.
FFXI on the 360 is pretty much exactly alike on the 360 as to the course it is all done through the 360 control which is a bit of an annoyance when it comes to writing..since you don't have a keyboard for it so you have to use the controller to get to each letter and click it to type..much like you do when sending messages through the 360 anyway..none speach ones that is. The fee's for the game are £8.99 a month and the first character you create is get a thirty day free subscription for it and it does take visa electron cards if you do not have credit cards. each character youg et after that is 70p each..which isn't to bad i thought. erm..its not to bad to set up don't have the problem of inserting each and every disk into the console to set up each one (like on the PC you had one disk for playonline viewer, 3 for FFXI, 2 for each otehr expansion). i thought it was quite easy to install actually..only thing will be the updates you get but even then its not to bad..i would say if you want it get it.
I have FFX1 on PC, and tbh that is the only way I can imagine it being easy to play on, what with the typing and all, but the PS2 version is apparently easy enough so I'm sure the 360 version will be too. I played FFX1 for two months before I got bored, but if you stick with it I'm sure it's well worth it.
oh if i remember..i was told once before that you can apparently get a wireless keyboard for the 360 so it would save the time of using the controller..if its true about the keyboard then i shall get it