Eagle Eye - Reviewed


Eagle Eye - 5.5/10


Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move

Such promise but the ending lets it down

Ok this film had a lot of promise, the cast were top notch with Shia LaBeouf and Billy Bob Thornton, numerous cameos from various tv actors and actresses, particularly if your a fan of Bones. The story is run at a brilliant pace, you rarely get a chance to relax and every minute you spend wondeing who is controlling everything and what the 2 main characters are there for (Michelle Monaghan is there to be a love interest only and this is made clear and she is only referred to as 'the female' rather than her name by the 'people' controlling our heroes)

One annoying bit, isn't a spoiler of the ending just a scene that really made me say WHAT!!! out loud

Oh and a scene were 2 people fall into liquid nitrogen and then just get out and continue fighting without dying was one step too far

Ok so what follows is what I felt really let the film down read if you want a majority of the ending ruined:

basically a military super computer decides to kill the 12 people in charge of the US, like the president and joint chiefs of staff because they ignored its recommendation and fired on suspected terrorists cause numerous counter attacks by suicide bombers.

So this compluter controls jets, missles (which it uses to shoot at traffic rather than the white house), anything it wants and instead of just blowing them all up with one of these rockets it decides to plot an elaborate scheme involving blackmailing, threatening and killing lots of random people until they do what it wants..... pointless
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Yep, you've summed up my thoughts on it. There was a great deal of potential near the begining - the idea of being trapped by our own technology is genuinely scary in this age. However, as soon as you find out what Eagle Eye is it's all a downhill slide.


It was fun in places, but I won't be at all surprised if I've forgotten all about it in a month.
Wildcard said:
Yep, you've summed up my thoughts on it. There was a great deal of potential near the begining - the idea of being trapped by our own technology is genuinely scary in this age. However, as soon as you find out what Eagle Eye is it's all a downhill slide.


It was fun in places, but I won't be at all surprised if I've forgotten all about it in a month.

Totally agree with that, so much potential and a feeling that they are in a hopeless situation and then it just goes wrong