Death Note dub

Im mixed on that, Im so used to the Japanese voices it sounds soo forgein. I could probably get used to it though, just depends on how L sounds.
I'm not to sure. I'll have to see an entire episode before I judge the voices because at the moment like Xelis my opinion is pretty mixed after hearing that. L's voice seems a bit.. energetic and I'm kinda worried on how they will handle Ryuk but we shall see.
When he says "I am justice! Kill me." then I believe it's L who says "If you can." it sounds like Steven Jay Blum, a lot. >_>
...Eurgh, I hate it. Over exaggerated American voices just kill the intensity and dark atmosphere it has, for me. It feels like he's using emotions in all the wrong places.
Light's voice was awful. As Alice has said, it ruins the atmosphere. I have yet to hear a near perfect dub after watching FMP! and Chobits, so my standards are rather high.
Ugh, Light sounds too energetic. Come on, he's supposed to be a cold, hearted bastard.

And maybe it's just the voice adjuster, but when did L sound like a paedophile rapist?

Anyways, here's hoping Stephanie Sheh gets the role of Misa.
Lupus Inu said:
When he says "I am justice! Kill me." then I believe it's L who says "If you can." it sounds like Steven Jay Blum, a lot. >_>

Except I can almost guarentee you it isn't Steven, as he works in the US, and this dub is being done in Vancouver or the Calgary Head of Ocean Studios, which is in Canada.
Light's dubbing is so wrong in many levels especially when he said "immorality" and "change"... he's like having a monologue on a stage... just so incongruous... L's voice at the end is quite good though but the voice adjuster is just too deep... but I'm interested hearing an episode dub...
Why do they make an Emotionless characters when they aren't meant to and make Emotional characters when they are meant too.


think i still might re-watch a few episodes with this Dub, but i think its going to ruin the darkness and sophistication of Death Note.
Maxon said:
Light's voice was awful. As Alice has said, it ruins the atmosphere. I have yet to hear a near perfect dub after watching FMP! and Chobits, so my standards are rather high.

yeah chobits is the best dub i have heard, its one of the only animes i watch in english rather then japanese with subs.

As for death note i have yet to hear the english dub, Ive been watching it in english sub so will probably continue with that. :)
xx[chii]xx said:
As for death note i have yet to hear the english dub, Ive been watching it in english sub so will probably continue with that. :)

A link to the trailer with the English Dub is on the top post of this thread.
ahh indeed, sorry was having a noobish moment.
lights voice sounds ok I guess; it could be a hell of alot worse.
Is the second voice L ? at first i thought it was lights shinigami :l and it seemed to have a bit of a scottish accent in parts :S

moan: I wish they would use english voices for once, like keira(sp?) Knightley has a nice voice
i could really never get into the anime its just somethin about it and the manga is starting to drag on abit since L died ive only read up to half of issue 10 and it left on my shelf.