Anime UK News Profile Error


Magical Girl
Forgive me if there is an existing thread to post such errors but I can not find it, so I am starting this one.

Whenever I click the "Anime UK News Profile" button I just get an error message that says "You must be logged on to access this page." I assumed it was just yesterday when I tried it but it is happening again today.

I just thought I should mention something, not that it's important I go on that page but it would be nice if it worked.
Log out, log back in. Although your login doesn't time out if you leave yourself logged in, your profile page does. It's been like that for as long as I can remember.
I remember posting a question about this shortly after I finally made an account as it used to drive me nuts!

^^ Exactly the same for me, I fire up Chrome if I want to use it. Cookies in general are kind of weird on the forum, you have to be quite careful sometimes for it to not lose your "threads updated since I last visited" place.
Yeah, I'm using Firefox. Logging out and back in didn't work so I deleted the cookies for the site and logged in again and all is well.