Anime Demographic


Straw Hat Pirate
Zin5ki said:
Truth be told, I can't see myself warming to collecting singles any time soon. If I become a high-earner with ample shelf space I may consider them. (As hypothetical situations go though, I fear that's not the most probable.)

Who buys anime?
As far as i can tell the demographic is 15-45? year old, middle to low income.

I don't know many who i would class as big earners who are interested.

Most of those i know, probably 80% are in IT and other computer related jobs. Support, web designers, programmers etc.

What does everyone else think?
From what I've seen and the people I know who collect, the 15-45 year old demographic seems on the money. Although I can't say I know many 40+ who buy anime.

EDIT: Honestly most of my interaction with the community is on here though, so I couldn't really say outside of AUKN what the larger picture is.
I think you have to be relatively well off to afford to collect anime in a big way, it's a pricey hobby. This might not necessarily mean you have a well paying job, more likely you're a single male living alone with no dependants who can spend all their money on themselves - I know I am. :D

That's my guess at who buys anime. Lots of people watch anime without buying it now of course...
As regards your IT point, I assume this is due to computer-literacy perhaps being a requisite of anime fans over here nowadays, aside perhaps for those who're happy to receive whatever HMV are stocking at the prices they set.

As for my original comment, it should be mentioned that my monthly spending budget would increase significantly if I lived within walking distance of my college, ceteris paribus.
ayase said:
I think you have to be relatively well off to afford to collect anime in a big way, it's a pricey hobby. This might not necessarily mean you have a well paying job, more likely you're a single male living alone with no dependants who can spend all their money on themselves - I know I am. :D

That's my guess at who buys anime. Lots of people watch anime without buying it now of course...
Althought the presence of girls around here is massively outperformed by the male presence, I believe you have a fair amount for girls buying anime out there as well as my trips to expos lead me to believe.

Age / income wise, I believe you're about right though.
Two of my friends at college are into it. But they're of the 'why buy it when I can get it free?' brand.
Man that annoys the hell out of me.

Edit: I am now Light Yagami, apparently.
I think girls tend to buy disproportionately more even if there are fewer of them. Not enough to save the majority of shoujo anime releases but most of the male fans I know are of the downloading mentality whereas the females are more evenly split. Though I think the girls tend to buy more manga than anime on the whole.

But yeah, overall it's got to be teen-middleaged males who make up the bulk of the numbers.

I don't earn that much but being a nerd with no car, no habit of going out much and no dependents I can get away with spending a rather large portion of my available cash on my hobby. These are wonderful times. Most of my friends are much better off than me (including the anime buyers), earning several times what I do. So I think the demographic scales up to the reasonably wealthy as well.

Ross must have some kind of collection, you would think, though I haven't heard him mention manga/anime as much as comics.

Hmm, I've known a few girls from well-off families who have been into anime. Other than that, I don't know anyone else.

I'm 26 with a partner and kid, we have a mortgage, we seem to get by okay. I'm not sure what 'class' we would be seen as. I don't really spend money on drink, going out ('clubbin' and all that), or any other bad habit so any spare money is normally spent on anime, on my part at least.

I'm actually quite blessed in that I got my girl into anime pretty early on into the relationship and she's pretty easy-going when it comes to my spending on anime because we both watch it anyway. Hmm, I think an anime fan is a must for me when it comes to relationships with the opposite but now I'm going completely off track so I'll stop.
Yuvie, your situation is almost identical to my own. I'd class you like my self as low-mid, does your partner work?

Though some are asking about low income, many students collect, as i did myself when a student, and i dont know many high income students!
Hokum said:
Most of those i know, probably 80% are in IT and other computer related jobs. Support, web designers, programmers etc.

Arrrgh, that's me, stereotyped and turned into a statistic :/

Hokum said:
Though some are asking about low income, many students collect, as i did myself when a student, and i dont know many high income students!

I collected when I was a student - thats what my student loan was for :p. Not during my masters though because I had no student loan and no income so money was tight. Right now, still finishing my masters I have some money because I worked for a year last year in an intern-ship (in IT, system admin/software engineer - being an intern I did a bit in both areas) so I can afford again.

I only managed to get one of my friends into anime though there are some I haven't tried with yet. He is also in IT (not a student), though he just likes borrowing my anime instead of getting his own.