Anime and manga version of Shakespeare?


Ghost of Animes
Skwigly magazine have posted a very interesting article about C.H.A.S.E (County Hall Animation Studio Enterprise)- a London based project which has been set up to encourage and develop anime & manga artists both in the UK and elsewhere around the world. In recent times, CHASE were the driving force behind the International Manga and Anime Festival.<ul><span class=menu>By the summer County Hall will have a fully functioning studio and the net will be cast for talent, not only in the UK but also to very different cultures such as India... Dr Singer (Creative Director of CHASE) is looking at the possibility of producing anime and manga version of Shakespeare.</span></ul>Read full article.
<span class=menu>Source: <a href="">Otaku News</a></span>
This sounds like a pretty good idea. Not sure about the whole British-anime thing, but we could certainly use some decent animated shows in this country that aren't either mean't for kids or just for pure comedy.
Wouldn't that be ironic? Some of Shakespeare's stuff is pretty graphic, so I guess "Manga filth" would be able to portray that fairly well. Ha!

But seriously, its not such a bad idea if it increases the public knowledge of manga and anime beyond such wonderful views that the likes of the Daily Mail hold. Yay for progress!
After reading in NEO about the bad press manga received from certain newspapers recently, maybe it would be a good idea to show shakepeare in that format. some of his plays would work better in that format than others though.
I'm thinking the best plays to work in anime format are the more fantasic ones, namely The Tempest and A Midsummer Nights Dream. I could see Macbeth working as well, but I can't see many other pays as anime. The other great tragedies (Hamlet, Othello and Lear), the histories and the comedies, in my opinion, don't have enough "action" to keep an anime mini-series afloat, but I could see them as short, single episodes or feature length movies. Maybe Much Ado About Nothing could be turned into the new Love Hina.