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  1. R

    Books / Literature

    Currently reading Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, thankfully prolonged exposure to japanese names (yay for anime) means the crazy russian names arent so intimidating, so its quite an easy read. Its a very good book although im not so far into it, the descriptions are fantastic and...
  2. R

    Witch Hunter Robin – Any good?

    Overall I really enjoyed this series, whilst around episode 12 the repetitive nature of 'hunts' got a bit boring the storyline really picked up later in the series and I felt generally the characters were very well developed. Both the music and the animation style also helped to contribute to...
  3. R

    Neon Genesis Evangelion Premium Collection (UK VERSION)

    Came in the post this morning, it was only dispatched yesterday, I had ordered it from so not bad service for free delivery. As far as I can tell (I havn't had a chance to look properly yet) there are no scratches on mine, always a plus. This was one of the first series that got me...
  4. R


    I joined quite a while ago but it seems I forgot to post...anyway im 18, currently studying for my A2 levels (maths, further maths, physics and computing) and hoping to study computer science at warwick university. I live in the north west of england (in a town called ormskirk closeish to...