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  1. Mr L

    Mamoru Hosoda's MIRAI Receives Oscar Nomination!

    Might he a good sign of things changing when it comes to animation at the Academy. Last year's exclusion in favour of 'Boss Baby' was embarrassing. Despite that though, I'm pulling for Spider-Man.
  2. Mr L

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    Spider-Man: into the Spider-Verse - The best animated and best Comic Book movie of the year, highly recommended, the movie effortlessly juggles multiple complex threads that compliment, rather than detract from the central character's story - 9/10 Aquaman - I admire its commitment to full on...
  3. Mr L

    Watch the First Teaser for CG Anime "Pokémon the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution"

    I guess maybe to just keep the two separate and distinct as the continuity is now split.
  4. Mr L

    Watch the First Teaser for CG Anime "Pokémon the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution"

    Well I've been asking for these movies to be more different and this might sort answer that weirdly. In the sense that 'Mewtwo Strikes Back' didn't adhere to the basic formula that most of the sequels fell into soba remake could be refreshing. Reminds me that Mewtwo's original English VA is ino...
  5. Mr L

    General Cartoons Thread

    And to think it came from Sony Animation who has had one of the worst reputations for a major western animation studio and produced what is often considered the worst animated movie of the decade just last year!
  6. Mr L

    General Cartoons Thread

    You wouldn't be the first but many came out of it feeling differently.
  7. Mr L

    General Cartoons Thread

    OKAY! GO AND SEE SPIDER-MAN!! Easily a 9/10 and the best animated movie Ipve seen this year. I'll go into more detail on the movie thrrad after watching some other jew releases but any fan of animation or comic book movies should see this! And if it fails to make money because of the alleged...
  8. Mr L

    General Cartoons Thread

    I've heard that if you're used to anime frameratesvthen you'll get used to it. Seeing it in a couple of hours.
  9. Mr L

    General Cartoons Thread

    Anyone going to see Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse? Very positive reviews and I'm hoping to see a 2D-ish animated film do well at the box office again.
  10. Mr L

    Reports Suggest Attack On Titan, Cowboy Bebop and More to Leave Netflix in 2019

    I hope they're not seeing Funimation on Amazon as a suitable replacement for getting shows like 'Attack on Titan' on a mainstream service here? Wider exposure for shows like that is important.
  11. Mr L

    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    I should probably give another episode of that a watch but it just... those fake accents on every single character..'
  12. Mr L

    The Gaming News Thread (for news that doesn't need a thread)

    To the Pokémon fans who didn't like the Detective Pikachu designs, I present to you, PERSPECTIVE!! <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The guys that brought you Deadpool &amp; The Fast and the Furious are bringing SONIC THE HEDGEHOG to the big screen! <a...
  13. Mr L

    Doctor Who Discussion

    I think it was a good idea for them to step away from relying too heavily on old villains. I thought 'Tim Shaw' had good presence by virtue of the acting and effects but lacked the screen time to explore him better. I mean the idea of a dangerous person driven delusional by virtue of...
  14. Mr L

    Doctor Who Discussion

    Well Series 11 is done. The last episode could have been a good start to a two latter but had to rush to the finish without the time to explore its concepts and implications. And really that's what I think was this series' biggest error, all single episodes with only an extra 5 minutea of screen...
  15. Mr L

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    I don’t need two cases! Just the steel book! Smash could take a leaf out of Persona 5’s book... wait...
  16. Mr L

    The Gaming News Thread (for news that doesn't need a thread)

    You never saw it coming!
  17. Mr L

    Anime at the cinema

    Fiver? Wow! Blockbuster prices for me here.
  18. Mr L

    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    And the whole thing can be put online illegally for anyone who gets impatient with their schedule.
  19. Mr L

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    For anime that are hundreds and hundreds of episodes long, streaming g is a bloody godsend so bring it on. Plus the speed, plus no BBFC. Hope their deal is better than our Amazon Prime one, pay the same money for less content.