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  1. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    It also helps that Vanillaware has a genuinely excellent track record with titles such as Odin Sphere and the excellent Dragon’s Crown; regarding the strategy, I just put the OP knight guy (can’t remember his name) at the front during the first couple of missions as I’m planning on starting over...
  2. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    So I played at least a good hour of the Unicorn Overlord demo and I’m sold, though I was already looking forward to it anyway, getting to try it out has convinced me that I’m gonna have a blast with it most likely; despite the fact that a lot of strategy RPG’s tend to have really obscure...
  3. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    The animation’s fine but I can say that for any competently animated anime, it’s just one of those things where, because good animation is not uncommon in anime, it’s rare for it to impress me, the only exceptions I can think of in anime are Redline and One Piece Film Z, generally though I think...
  4. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    The Dragon Dentist So I finally got around to watching this and honestly it is not very good, sure the setting is ok enough but the characters are basically plot machines whose sole purpose is to move the flimsy plot along, the protagonist seemingly can’t do any wrong in the eyes of the story...
  5. Aeon

    Rate The Last Game You Finished

    Tunic Once upon a time, there was an age where instruction manuals were a huge part of gaming, a guide to the shiny new game that would quite possibly have to last you for months because they were not as easy to buy as they are today, not only that but they would serve as a mini book for you to...
  6. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I tend to prefer older titles myself usually as many more older titles were made with passion for the project as opposed to just making money, though newer titles have better quality of life improvements so in the rare case where we see a modern classic, it can be fantastic but that doesn’t...
  7. Aeon

    Hello from the Netherlands!

    Welcome to the forum; I used to be a lurker as well before eventually joining and it’s been a great community to be a part of, welcome aboard.
  8. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Almost a decade after I first played it, I finally got around to finishing Dust an Elysian Tail and it’s pretty good overall, especially considering that a lot of the game was made by one guy, the visuals are fantastic, the soundtrack is pretty good and the gameplay is fun enough, if a bit...
  9. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    Anime The Deer King So I finally got around to watching this and it’s ok, at least the story makes enough sense to work and there is some solid location design at times but it might have been the worst time to watch it because the night before I watched a film that very few films could hold a...
  10. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    Anime Delicious in Dungeon Episodes 1 and 2. Unlike most anime series I’ve decided that I’m actually gonna watch this one weekly because it’s entertaining enough when I only have to sit through 25 or so minutes per session but I might not have the patience to binge it all at the end, so far...
  11. Aeon

    AI: How do you feel?

    After posting my comment a couple of days ago, I’ve been thinking about how I might have made it sound like I’m against AI as an entire concept so I wanted to clarify that the AI that I refuse to have anything to do with is AI that trains itself off of data made by others without their consent...
  12. Aeon

    The General Conversation Area

    Neither are ok in my books but Amazon are definitely the worse of the two by forcing ads on the standard tier; regardless ads really have no place in a paid subscription.
  13. Aeon

    AI: How do you feel?

    I’m currently just going to talk about the art side of AI here otherwise I’ll be here all day. As someone who’s very much planning to make a game myself, AI is a massive problem because it doesn’t make original content, rather it takes pieces of other people’s content and photobashes it...
  14. Aeon

    The General Conversation Area

    While I know that they won’t eat the cost, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t, they make hundreds of billions a year in profit, eating the cost might knock that down a couple billion but to them that’s like a reasonably well off person dropping a pound in a donation box, especially seeing as they...
  15. Aeon

    The General Conversation Area

    I’m a bit late to respond I know but I will say that Amazon can afford to eat the cost considering that they are worth billions and have numerous methods of making money such as their main e-commerce platform that will probably leave them better off than before, even if they did eat the cost of...
  16. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    Belle My first film of the year and it’s pretty good, not Hosada’s best but still an enjoyable film overall, it’s actually got me considering rewatching his other films.
  17. Aeon

    What games are you looking forward to in 2024?

    A new year means a new bunch of games on the horizon and I figured I’d ask which ones you are looking forward to this year, or even if there’s any that you can’t wait for. For me personally it’s as follows. Can’t wait Dragon’s Dogma 2: I’ve been waiting over a decade for the second...
  18. Aeon

    The General Conversation Area

    Regarding the Amazon ad debacle, quite frankly it’s disgraceful, ads are a necessary evil to allow free services to be sustainable, including them in a service that costs any money to use is avaricious, if I pay for a service, it should not have ads, if Amazon want to put ads in, the tier that...
  19. Aeon

    The Games You've Finished This Year

    Not a hundred percent sure if I remember all the games I finished in 2023 but I figured it might be fun to rank the ones I do remember from worst (or least favourite as I usually don’t finish bad games and even the lowest ranked on this list is still very fun to play) to best, also I probably...
  20. Aeon

    The UK DVD and BD Locked Subtitles Thread

    Christmas is here and with it, a fair few locked subtitles tests. On the naughty list. In/Spectre: This one is baffling as it has an option in setup to toggle the subtitles for dub users but it either is for signs only or simply doesn’t seem to work, the subs are locked during playback so...