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  1. Aeon

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    100% agree; not that this fact has stopped some filmmakers literally building their whole production to be a big pick me rather than something thats actually worth watching lol.
  2. Aeon

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Honestly it seems to me like at least some of these award ceremonies exist only to funnel people's ideas into a single hive mind and anything that goes outside of their very specific genre's or themes have no chance at winning.
  3. Aeon

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Zavvi titles look interesting but I just wanted to ask if Log Horizon Season 3 on Blu-ray has locked subs or not as it's kind of a deal breaker for me if it does.
  4. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    El Hazard Episode 2: This one seems to have doubled down on the things I didn't like about the first episode, though it is mercifully shorter, the setting is still cool and all but the characters just keep getting on my wick. The Skull Man Episode 1 to 4: Suprisingly I'm actually kind of liking...
  5. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    After sucessful runs out of 25 I've just about finished Hades; it was pretty fun for a while, despite the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of rogue likes, it's always satisfying finding the right upgrades and removing entire chunks out of the bosses health bars in seconds but having to beat...
  6. Aeon

    Media of the year 2022

    One game I completely forgot about until earlier today (probably because it came out around the beginning of 2022) is Powerslave Exhumed, technically this is cheating a bit as it is a port of an ancient FPS for modern systems but the quality of this port is immaculate, I played it at 144FPS on...
  7. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Honestly for me it depends on how I'm feeling as well as the length of the game; more often than not, JRPG's are too long for their own good though some get around this either by being a much more reasonable length of around 20 hours (Star Ocean First Encounter, Chrono Trigger, etc) while some...
  8. Aeon

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    Fair enough, I haven't seen Casablanca so I can't compare the two, though to me personally Shrek 2 is one of the best films I have seen, for the reasons mentioned in my earlier review.
  9. Aeon

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    Sorry I'm not sure I get what the GIF means but what I meant to say in my own way is that there is no such thing as a perfect film; too many chances for something to go wrong, even slightly, a perfect film would have to have absolutely nothing wrong with it, not even a slight hiccup.
  10. Aeon

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    Kung Fu Panda Just to end the last year on a high note; I decided to rewatch this absolute gem, primarily because it was the first Dreamworks film I saw last year and therefore the first one I saw in recent years. This film is brilliant, there is so much going for it; the character designs...
  11. Aeon

    The General Conversation Area

    Merry Christm... hold on *checks calender again... Sore wa mou Shin'nendesu... NANI!!!???... Happy New Year Everyone.🥳
  12. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just before the year is up I decided to get in a cheeky bit of Elden Ring, to make it my last game I play this year, only to discover an entirely new area that I had never been to before; just in case I needed another reason to put this as my game of the year.
  13. Aeon

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    The Bad Guys Or should I say... the average fellows. Ok, I really wanted this film to be good, like, really wanted and there are parts of it where I can see a film approaching a level of good that I wish the rest of the film had; the trouble is that it is just loaded with cliche's, usually...
  14. Aeon

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I didn't really finish many games this year, much less so one's that came out this year, as I've been starting to make a game of my own (it's literally still in the planning stages of development so I have a loooong way to go) and have spent the better part of this year considering how it will...
  15. Aeon

    New Forums: Bugs, Feedback, and Questions

    Brilliant; I understand it better now, thanks. :)
  16. Aeon

    Your anime viewing journal

    El-Hazard Episode 1: So far it's ok, I wasn't expecting it to be around 45 minutes, the setting is pretty cool and I think some of the music was also pretty good as well but I'm not a fan of how some of the scenes are riddled with rather typical anime bathos, I've seen so much isekai by now that...
  17. Aeon

    New Forums: Bugs, Feedback, and Questions

    Not sure if this is the right thread, or even if it's been answered before, but can someone explain how these user ranks, such as Hikikomori or Kiznaiver work?; just got promoted to Kiznaiver and I'm just wondering how the names are decided as they seem custom for some people but not for others.
  18. Aeon

    So What's Your Avatar Pic?

    The Santa hat has done a runner, the default golden A is back, now with some more render samples that are probably unnoticeable lol.
  19. Aeon

    Rate The Last Game You Finished

    Elden Ring You know when that rare moment happens; when a game promises so much and actually manages to live up to the absurd amount of promise, well Elden Ring has done it; it is a game that takes an absolutely ironclad formula and brings it to an open world, something that had me rather...
  20. Aeon

    Rate The Last Game You Finished

    As with the equivalent thread about films and anime respectively, here is a place to rate the last game you beat. This can be out of 5, out of 10, out of 100; however you roll when it comes down to rating is fine. For me; I will be rating Elden Ring but in my next comment on this thread to...