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  1. setokaiba

    Out of Print...?

    Thank you both so so much for the insight and tips! I'm still learning about these things after jumping back into the manga world during the pandemic (ah, pre-pandemic manga collecting was so different...) so it really does help me out. Hoping I can get my hands on it but I won't get my hopes up...
  2. setokaiba

    Out of Print...?

    That's some pretty solid advice, thank you! I'm hoping one day to come across this in the secondhand market if they really don't reprint it, but there's only history of a very few being sold on eBay with 0 available in the last month... No other site that I can find has it either :/ Edit: I've...
  3. setokaiba

    Out of Print...?

    I'm getting conflicting information and the publisher doesn't answer questions about reprints, so I've come here hoping that someone might have an answer. I put in an order a few weeks ago online at a chain bookstore (has 7 stores in the UK, not huge but not tiny by any means) for a manga they...
  4. setokaiba

    Hello from 90's nostalgia,

    Welcome to the forum, you are doing good work to archive some classic material!
  5. setokaiba

    Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Home Alone Review

    Ahhh I see, thanks for letting me know! Unfortunately a shame as I don't really have interest in the main story, I just really like the concept of a little sister overcoming her anxiety.
  6. setokaiba

    Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Home Alone Review

    I like the sound of this one a lot, but don't really have interest in the rest of the series, would it still be possible to read it?
  7. setokaiba

    Suggesting titles to publishers?

    Does anyone know if any other publishers besides Seven Seas officially accept suggestions? There's one I really want to suggest but it doesn't seem like something that Seven Seas would publish probably... it's a josei title and I can definitely see it more likely published in something like...
  8. setokaiba

    Collecting US-Release Anime

    Well, I got it today. There were a few negative reviews about a flimsy case but I didn't think much of it, since my standards aren't too high... if it holds the disks I'm happy. Unfortunately the situation was much, much worse than I anticipated. There are 10 disks inside and the portions...
  9. setokaiba

    Post your Monthly Manga Haul

    That's a really nice haul! The Chobits cover is beautiful, one of my favourite ever Chobits illustrations. I'm still on the fence about picking up that Fist of the North Star (I'm a fan of the anime but I learnt from Jojo that I don't like to collect long hardcover series) but it does look...
  10. setokaiba

    Aria manga reprint

    Wow that's my first time seeing something like this, it's pretty nice that they are reprinting it due to fan's demand. It does cost a lot though especially as an import, but seems like something that would become near impossible to find later. Especially here in the UK if it was only available...
  11. setokaiba

    Post your Monthly Manga Haul

    My September haul! Yes, I already posted it, but I deleted it since I wasn't happy with what I wrote since I had to write it in a rush and wanted to redo it. So, here is everything that I got: So I'll name the titles from left to right, with some notes where applicable :D And yes, that's 50+...
  12. setokaiba

    Unnamed Memory Volume 3 Review

    Interesting thank you! I will consider both for sure :D
  13. setokaiba

    Unnamed Memory Volume 3 Review

    Not really, just the same reason I always prefer manga over novels, I like the visuals to go with the text. But it's not like that's out of the question for me to enjoy, I used to read a lot of novels actually.
  14. setokaiba

    Unnamed Memory Volume 3 Review

    Wow I actually want to pick this up because the cover is just so beautiful... I don't normally read light novels though so I'm not sure.
  15. setokaiba

    Little Miss P: The Third Day Review

    Thanks for making this! I've seen a volume discounted forever at a store I visit, never had any idea what it was but I never picked it up either. I might have to take a look when I'm there next because this really made it sound interesting. I also read a preview of volume 1 on Amazon and it was...
  16. setokaiba

    What manga are you reading now?

    Been reading Play It Cool, Guys volume 2. I don't have volume 1 and jumped straight into this one, and honestly if this didn't say volume 2 on the cover I would easily think it's volume 1. It's very friendly to jump straight into this one, introduces the characters to you and so far it's just...
  17. setokaiba

    Post your Monthly Manga Haul

    Just wanted to comment, I took a closer look at your digital haul and looked up some of the titles! It's a shame that some digital titles never make it to physical print, because some of those sound really good. I like the sound of "Turns Out My Online Friend is my Real-Life Boss" especially.
  18. setokaiba

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    Has anyone read I'm In Love With The Villainess (manga version)? I'm considering it but I don't usually pick up isekai so I'd love to hear some thoughts. I really like the Villainess' design aswell as the otome game theme.
  19. setokaiba

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    Currently looking for: What A Wonderful World - Volume 1
  20. setokaiba

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    Picked up Chasing After Aoi Koshiba vol 1 and 2. I'm thinking October will be a bit of a GL manga month as there's at least 2 other GL titles I'm hoping to pick up this month.