Wooo a new season! Let's see which one of these shows interest me...
Just a little side note, Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town (according to MAL) is listed as Winter 2021, so maybe you can make a start on next years list. You can never be too prepared 😂
That’s a shame, great site but...
I’m not going to say I don’t dodgy download anime, I only have to restort to That when I can’t either legally buy or stream a show.
with the way things have been going, I’m using these types of sites less and less, since streaming has filled in a lot of gaps...
what is your take on this @NormanicGrav?
Just say it did happen, would both services remain as they are?
And since they both won't be in "compteition" with each other in terms of liceasing, do you think we would see more shows on both services?
Just gone through whole list, out of the ones that we had over here, here are the titles that aren't going to be available to stream legally anymore:
AKB0048: Next Stage
Aoharu x Machinegun
Cuticle Detective Inaba
Devil Survivor 2: The Animation
Hakuoki ~ Demon of the Fleeting...
Looks like Funimation is teasing us again.
K-ON! seems to be given (I'm so excitied about that!)
People are also speculating that Love chunibyo and other delusions is another show.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has been Announced!
Picking up where the original trilogy left off, Neo Cortex and Dr. Nefarious Tropy have escaped their interdimensional prison and in doing so have fractured the boundaries of time and space. It’s up to Crash and Coco to save the day.
The reason why the top 4 aren't listed is they aren't legal. The creators of the anime don't get a single penny from streaming from those sites. Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix and the others listed in this Anime Spreadsheet that I maintain, with help from NormanicGrav, the creator gets a...
I didn't manage to catch any of the various panels from this weekend, will it be available on Youtube to watch later? I haven't seen anyone mention that (unless I'm an idiot and missed that)
With over 140 shows under my belt, it's still the funniest anime I've ever watched. Like laugh out funny!
I REALLY wish there was a second season, but never mind, I'll take what I can.
Thanks for the swift response!
I take it that if I can view the anime in a browser (by visiting a shows page), that means it will be available over here?
I’ve got two quick questions about HIDIVE:
1) how much is the service? I read it’s $4.99, but can’t seem to find a uk price (or page on the website)
2) can you view anime on the site and phone/tablets Apps without using VPN etc?
From that list (and following the link), it looks like only a few of the shows are coming to the UK.
Bolded titles are listed in the blog post:
Available Today
Cardcaptor Sakura
Love Live! School Idol Project (2nd Season)
Love Live! The School Idol Project Movie
Nagi-Asu: A...
Thanks for the update @anime_andrew and @Hanners!
It's nice to know we are getting plenty of Anime releases this year!
I'm also intrigued that there are some more titles that are unannounced, I wonder what they are?
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