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  1. Claire

    What manga are you reading now?

    Koroshiya Yametai vol 1-4 (end) - Disappointing this one. A series about a gay hitwoman with an absolutely nailbiting plot which had me hooked from start to finish, but the ending was really sudden and unsatisfying and made it seem very much like the manga got axed. The author seemed to confirm...
  2. Claire

    So whats your desktop?

    Currently set to an 'I Love the Villainess' artwork a friend did. Gonna use this as an opportunity to boost the original post here, they do really phenomenal work but don't have a lot of followers at the moment.
  3. Claire

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    It's the most wholesome smut in existence
  4. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    I had a very normal and measured reaction to the ILTV manga earlier.
  5. Claire

    Yuri License Announcements

    As they're a very new independent publisher, I believe you have to preorder from one of two sites. You can preorder direct from or from Yiggybean Books + Gifts although they aren't up just yet. I believe there will be both standard and special editions with merch...
  6. Claire

    Yuri License Announcements

    Monogatari Novels have licensed the baihe manhua 'Soulmate'
  7. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    That is a thing of beauty.
  8. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    Mine says China as well. I don't know if that actually means anything though so the only surefire way to check is to look for the restored text.
  9. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    Page 85-86 in my copy.
  10. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    If you give me a few minutes I will get my copy and try to find it for you. Just a moment.
  11. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    I wouldn't even begin to know lol. I knew just enough about Japanese gay celebrities to understand what Rae was referencing in the book but not much beyond that.
  12. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    The series is actually still ongoing, volume 8 isn't the final volume. There may well be enough future volumes left for a fifth or sixth omnibus. The description of vol 8 calls it the climax largely due to how drastically Toriko and Sorawo's relationship develops during it. In fact
  13. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    That's a shame, I got a revised edition on the first try. It is worth noting that they don't all say they're revised editions in the book. Some copies just have the text added back in without it being mentioned in the copyright stuff. This is what mine is like, it definitely has the...
  14. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    ILTV is my absolute favourite (as my pfp might give away) and vol 3-5 is honestly the best bit for me. Although with the developments from the latest 'Otherside Picnic' novel, that series has cemented itself as a fairly close second for me.
  15. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    So I finished vol 8 of 'Otherside Picnic' (novel). Uhh, god how do I even talk about my current mental state without just spoiling everything? I'll stick a vague spoiler at the end in case anyone wants to read it. Okay, so basically the final part, oh god the final part. I've said that the...
  16. Claire

    "But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

    For anyone who was waiting on the full release (ie. where you don't have to read it in the J-Novel app), this is the general release date for the ebook version.
  17. Claire

    Yuri License Announcements

    Yeah that one was licensed ages ago.
  18. Claire

    What manga are you reading now?

    I need to give this one another shot. I read the first few chapters but forgot about it and didn't come back.
  19. Claire

    What manga are you reading now?

    Otherside Picnic (manga) vol 1-10 - Hey, can you tell I'm getting a bit antsy waiting this final week for the last part of vol 8 (of the novel) to be posted? I've even started watching the 'Otherside PIcnic' anime now that I have exhausted the manga, and it's not a very good adaptation. The...