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  1. Vashdaman

    End of an Era: Manga Entertainment Rebrands to Funimation in the UK and Ireland

    The world is a little sadder without that Manga logo in it. Manga were the true antiheros and badboys of the anime industry, and like most people in this thread, they played a massive part in introducing me to anime and making me love it. They were so synonymous with anime to me that I was one...
  2. Vashdaman

    Your anime viewing journal

    Ah that cool puppet animation was called Thuderbolt Fantasy! I'd forgotten the name of it, but I enjoyed the few episodes I saw of it years ago. Definitely want to get into it again.
  3. Vashdaman

    Fan service and its appropriateness

    Damn, Rui, you have been smashing it in this thread. You write the things I want to say and the things I didn't know I wanted to say. Wicked.
  4. Vashdaman

    Fan service and its appropriateness

    I agree with some that, but even then I find myself having mixed feelings. Like when I saw some people criticize the hobbit's lack of racial diversity, myself not being a hobbit or lotr fan by any means ,one impulse in me was to wonder why people would bother expecting anything of that sort from...
  5. Vashdaman

    Fan service and its appropriateness

    I think it's all kind of subtle though, I've not listened to Nck Cave but don't think writing a song from the point of view of a murderer is really the kind of thing that's necessary a problem. I mean it seems like it's not something that is reinforcing a commonly held oppressive belief, if you...
  6. Vashdaman

    Fan service and its appropriateness

    I think it is worth noting that no one in this thread (as far as I'm aware) has actually expressed a desire for censorship. I think what some people (including myself) are saying is that certain constantly repeated representations and tropes in the media can have an insidious effect on people...
  7. Vashdaman

    Fan service and its appropriateness

    We've probably had these conversations years ago haha, but I don't think it's really as straight forward as this though. I mean, would you really say that negative stereotypes perpetuated in popular fiction doesn't/didn't contribute to societal perceptions towards certain groups of people? And...
  8. Vashdaman

    Satoshi Kon in 4 days (ad-hoc simulwatch optional)

    I hope I can dig out my Tokyo Godfathers dvd! One of my all time favourite feel good films!
  9. Vashdaman

    Satoshi Kon in 4 days (ad-hoc simulwatch optional)

    Yeah that's true, I did actually think about that, it would have been perfectly natural in Japanese I suppose. The English translation definitely makes it more perturbing. I think both work well.
  10. Vashdaman

    Satoshi Kon in 4 days (ad-hoc simulwatch optional)

    Bit late to write my thoughts here despite watching Perfect Blue last night, so sorry if I'm interrupting the flow a little. But it was my first time watching it and I loved it, a real 10/10 anime classic and just classic piece of film in general. This will be full of spoilers of course so...
  11. Vashdaman

    Satoshi Kon in 4 days (ad-hoc simulwatch optional)

    I'm just in time! I'll try to watch Perfect Blue tonight if I can! I also do have Tokyo Godfathers, and also Millenium Actress but that DVD seems to have hidden itself from me recently (I've never seen it too!) but I'll have a look again! Looking forward to this!
  12. Vashdaman

    The Retro Games Thread

    Yeah I agree with you on MS3 upping the difficulty too much, and for me 2 just has the most iconic classic levels too, but that may be partly because it was the first one I played. I really miss these kinds of exquisitely animated pixel art 2D games, I suppose there must be some small indy...
  13. Vashdaman

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    This is beautiful, thanks.
  14. Vashdaman

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Chunibyo, Love and Other Delusions series 10/10 I enjoyed this quite a lot, it's funny, sweet and has heart. What I'm particularly pleased with is that it didn't simply end with a which I was worried might have been one route it could have gone down. Rather the show says "hey we're all of us...
  15. Vashdaman

    The Retro Games Thread

    A connoisseur! I would agree with you on Metal Slug 2 and especially X being the best in the series. I adore MS3 too and it's probably the peak of the series visually, but 2 and X are the real highpoints and the ones that made me fall in love with the series. I remember years ago reading a...
  16. Vashdaman

    Your anime viewing journal

    Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions! eps 1-6 Love this! Chunibyo are the best! It's a very sweet show, and I imagine watching Rikka run about as Dark Lord Shingan or whatever will never grow stale. Also the first seeds of romantic feelings between her and the guy are just about starting to...
  17. Vashdaman

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Demon Hunter series 1 7/10 I found this show very enjoyable, and I can kind of see why it became such a big thing in Japan, although I'm still a little baffled at the extent of its popularity too as it's no more than a 7/10 for me personally. It's definitely a quality production there's no...
  18. Vashdaman

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Lovely review, @Aaron ! Though in my opinion you were a bit harsh on Ono! A bit oblique, and I felt it's lazy they didn't give the poor girl any speech whatsoever, but I thought she was only actually kind of mean for the first couple episodes. Although it's true she does tend to speak with her...
  19. Vashdaman

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    Sounds right up my street, thanks!
  20. Vashdaman

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    I've just heard of the anime Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Sounds pretty interesting, did anyone here like it?