Search results

  1. Geriatric hedgehog

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Oooh I'm liking those rebuild sets - if they're not sealed, any chance you could share some photos of the contents plezz? I want some CEs for those 3 but holding out hope AL will one day develop and release some UK editions. Hadn't registered the audio dramas of Sound Euphonium - thanks for...
  2. Geriatric hedgehog

    Asian Cinema Thread

    Tartan Asia released Three Extremes 1&2, in the noughties I think it was, each being a collection of 3 short horror stories from different directors. Those may be good to whet your horror appetite with different flavours.
  3. Geriatric hedgehog

    Asian Cinema Thread

    Those two take me back to my days of freedom at uni! I later showed a school buddy Zatoichi and got cussed big time for the "big" showdown he has with another samurai that was just brilliant heheh
  4. Geriatric hedgehog

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Good idea, you don't ask you don't get after all, so no harm checking. I'll message them directly as well. Awesome, thanks for the info. That is very pricey indeed.... BUT....given the rarity, it actually having English subs 🥳, and that beautiful CE set (it's digipak if I remember correctly)...
  5. Geriatric hedgehog

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Heh that makes two of us. I do believe mvm did replacements for this back at release but I completely missed this at the time - they're usually very good with their customer service. My own bloody fault ultimately for not checking earlier...
  6. Geriatric hedgehog

    Asian Cinema Thread

    A great list from @BrokenPhoenix - my thanks as I have a few off of there added to my watchlist too. Very much second the Kore-eda recommendations, those are my favourites of his as well and I'd add in After the Storm. One Cut Dead is brilliant (thanks again to @Just Passing Through who I recall...
  7. Geriatric hedgehog

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Duuuude, you always have some lovely imports! I've been wanting that Devilman crybaby set for ages - where'd you get it from and dare I ask how much that set you back? This reminds me, I finally opened my copy of the mvm release that I had bought whenever it was released a few years back, only...
  8. Geriatric hedgehog

    Your anime viewing journal

    Your Lie In April Re-watched this beautiful show after a few years and am now hooked back on the gorgeous soundtrack. A real shame that the AL release does not include the OVA episode which revisits and expands the final emotional shot of the anime, whilst mainly adding focus on some of the...
  9. Geriatric hedgehog

    The General Conversation Area

    Wishing you a swift recovery (definitely not because I don't want you to have lots of time to watch anime!) and hope the pain starts improving soon.
  10. Geriatric hedgehog

    Your anime viewing journal

    For that I'll happily pre-order today if AL want to keep my money with the promise for 2030, eventually delivering in 2040. Hopefully I'll still be around for that and not needing a Zimmer frame.
  11. Geriatric hedgehog

    Your anime viewing journal

    Aack Sound Eupho is back!! I'm so frigging excited 😊! Right, need to clear up some me-time this evening with a nice coffee, under a toasty blanket to watch this on the telly as an underserved super-treat. Then again, shall I wait a few weeks so I can binge a few episodes at a time 🤔.... Nah sod...
  12. Geriatric hedgehog

    Custom Blu Ray Covers Guide and Discussion

    👍 I sure know what you mean about time - just not enough hours in the day😞
  13. Geriatric hedgehog

    Custom Blu Ray Covers Guide and Discussion

    Ooooh, you're taking requests - I think you've already covered (excuse the pun🤦‍♂️) most favourites I wanted covers of but now I'll have to go back to my collection to see if any others would benefit from your handiwork! edit: by the way, do watch Lain - excellent show and I've seen it appear...
  14. Geriatric hedgehog

    Custom Blu Ray Covers Guide and Discussion

    You're right, they don't really fit thematically, not like the first two movies' (especially the second's) manga UK covers did, but they're still sooo pretty! And like I said, good to have some self-made consistency with those older releases heh.
  15. Geriatric hedgehog

    Custom Blu Ray Covers Guide and Discussion

    Yes, the alt cover 2 is a definite favourite of mine and beautifully done but also loving the mecha ones you've done for the last two movies, which are perfect for completionists with the old manga UK sets.
  16. Geriatric hedgehog

    Gacha Games Thread

    That's my thinking with these and if they're free/minimally-priced to download then I'm happy to spend on the gacha only limited amounts but up to a maximum currency/hour, if you will, akin to what I would have spent on standard games. That's one reason I couldn't play Nier reincarnation as it...
  17. Geriatric hedgehog

    Gacha Games Thread

    Gotta love the wit in Honkai, I've been consistently impressed with the humour in their writing. Their blooming marketing is on point as well - those trailers for Acheron are so damned good that whenever I get enough tickets I'm now alternating pulling in her and Luocha's banners leaving it to...
  18. Geriatric hedgehog

    Gacha Games Thread

  19. Geriatric hedgehog

    Custom Blu Ray Covers Guide and Discussion

    Nicely done, that is some beautiful work and thank you for your hard work! Also looking forward to Lain now.
  20. Geriatric hedgehog

    Gacha Games Thread

    More free pulls woohoo - I should now be able to manage one pity run heh. As I didn't really want any of the new characters, I was hopeful I'd save up resources for the eventual Luocha banner and then for Fu Xuan and Jing Liu's light cone banners - only to see the re-run banner announcements 😑...