Search results

  1. Mr_Nice_Username

    What Music are you listening to? Discussions Welcome!

    Any visual kei / J-Rock fans on this sub? Recently I've been listening to a lot of Dir en Grey, Janne Da Arc, and Malice Mizer. I especially like J-Rock that is gothy and proggy, or at least goth-adjacent and prog-adjacent. Here's a Janne Da Arc song I like:
  2. Mr_Nice_Username

    Finally...another anime forum

    I'd love to have some of my favourite Manga Video VHS again, purely for decorative purposes. If ever I saw them in a charity shop for £1 a tape or something, I'd definitely snap them up. Of course, they go for far more than that on ebay etc, which is fair enough.
  3. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    You're doing great work! Thank you very much!
  4. Mr_Nice_Username

    Finally...another anime forum

    I'm 42, so Manga Video was my gateway into everything too. :) Welcome to the site!
  5. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    Adding my name to the list of folks who subbed to Unlimited for a year but didn't receive a magazine.
  6. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    I've seen BOGOF offers in the past with other companies that match items based on price - but I take your point, there's plenty of BOGOF offers in the wild that are just "cheapest item free". In a physical shop it isn't a problem because you can just put everything through as two or more...
  7. Mr_Nice_Username

    Just curious - why does the word "Kiznaiver" appear under my username on my profile?

    HAHA, omg, I never noticed that it was under my name on every post as well! Omg, how observant of me. Derren Brown would have a field day with me, I swear. I have noticed similar things under other people's usernames though, and it's always confused me. I assumed it was just a randomly...
  8. Mr_Nice_Username

    Just curious - why does the word "Kiznaiver" appear under my username on my profile?

    Yeah agreed. It's a bit meaningless to me to have a random show by my name. Again though, I don't mind really. Absolutely not a hill I'm willing to die on, lol. Just something I happened to notice.
  9. Mr_Nice_Username

    Just curious - why does the word "Kiznaiver" appear under my username on my profile?

    I've just learned that this is the name of an anime. I'm not sure why it appears on my profile. I can't find any meaning for it anywhere on this website, and I can't find a way to get rid of it. Sincere apologies if this is...
  10. Mr_Nice_Username

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    (Apologies if there's a more appropriate thread for me to post this in - I could find a thread for "anime-related memes and nonsense". If one doesn't exist, perhaps someone more authoritative than me could start it? I'll delete this post, and post this video there instead. I have dozens of...
  11. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    In case anyone from Anime Limited reads this thread, I hope the following feedback is helpful. I've had one box set and two BOGOF titles in my basket for a while now, waiting for short-notice items to appear in the sale so I can get the total to £50 for free shipping. I just got the Great...
  12. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Christmas Sales for 2024 [Anime Ltd's 12 Days of Xmas + More]

    Yeah this has happened to me a couple of times now. I had to mail them to ask to get added back on, because I didn't get any success when I tried re-subscribing myself.
  13. Mr_Nice_Username

    Favourite opening/ending sequences

    Excel Saga is one of my all time favourite openings. It gives a great taste of the nonsense to come.
  14. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Christmas Sales for 2024 [Anime Ltd's 12 Days of Xmas + More]

    This is another problem that would be solved with my idea the other day of giving customers a tick-box option to "Pay now, but ship at the end of the sale". This would allow customers to buy extra items during the lifecycle of the sale, and add those items to an existing order. The code could...
  15. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Christmas Sales for 2024 [Anime Ltd's 12 Days of Xmas + More]

    Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but: I wonder why ATA don't offer an option to "buy now, but ship at the end of the sale", such that people can add items to the order through the lifetime of the sale. Saves on postage, better for the environment (as opposed to multiple smaller...
  16. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Christmas Sales for 2024 [Anime Ltd's 12 Days of Xmas + More]

    Does anyone know if we're allowed to sign up to Anime Unlimited now, and then use the 15% off code? Or do we need to have been a member before the sale began?
  17. Mr_Nice_Username

    The General Conversation Area

    I often flip between wanting to live a minimal lifestyle and wanting to own objects that even tangentially relate to my passions, lol. It's silly for me to go to extremes, because I know that what I really want is objects that make me smile and delighted when I see them in my house. For...
  18. Mr_Nice_Username

    UK Anime Christmas Sales for 2024 [Anime Ltd's 12 Days of Xmas + More]

    Really appreciate all the effort you put into collating all this info :) Cheers!
  19. Mr_Nice_Username

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Larry Sanders is also brilliant, I love both of them. Shandling is known for two main sitcoms, and they're both cutting-edge meta masterpieces.