Y Hai Thar...


Completely Average High School Student
Well, you lot seem to be a jolly bunch, I sure hope you lot don't mind another nerd in your midst.
As for myself, I am a IT student a Haywards Heath College, and hope to go to do Internetty webby stuff at university. Also, if you have any IT queries, feel free to PM me- I have probably come across it before on my piece of junk.
As for Anime tastes, I feel a chart is in order. (circled= watching or going to watch, ignore the rest)

I greet you with open arms, Kyoraki (as is the polite thing to do to new members, or so I'm told). I do enjoy those /a/ recommendation grids- the choice of titles included always leads to some stirring debate.
Y Hallo Thar Kyoraki. Welcome to the wonders of AUKN. Look forward to chatting with you at some point. Make yourself at home.