Pirates of the Caribbean: Worlds End


Pirates of the Caribbean: Worlds End

Watched this on Friday and loved it, I truely loved every minute.

Decided to bulletpoint the review so you can skip to the bit you wanna know about most:

- Its back to original form, so its got the comedy and pace of the original, and I didn't look at my watch once to see how much longer it would go on for like I did for the 2nd movie.

- Depp is allowed to overact so Jack Sparrow is funnier, more nuts and much more of a jow to watch on screen as the story isn't about him like it was in the second movie.

- Barbosa and Sparrow on the same team is brilliant, Jeffrey Rush and Johnny Depp make a great on Screen pairing the two play off each other superbly helping to delivery some of the best comedy lines and scenes I've seen in ages.

- Keith Richards, who Depp based the character of Sparrow on, makes a guest appearence as the keeper of the Code of the Pirates and I have to say looks perfect as Sparrows father. He actually looks perfect as a pirate.

- Keira Knightly gets more action roles in this movie and more of a main part too as the this 3rd installment follows her story (1str movie was Orlando's and 2nd was Depps). Although she still gets the whinning crying parts which was annoying for the few minutes it was on screen for.

- Orlando Bloom is actually more of a side character in this movie, he doesn't come into it for a while and then fades out again throughout the middle, it isn't until the end of the film that is roles fleshes out and he gets some real onscreen time with some real lines.

- The Monkey watch out for him and the Parrot during the film, they have some of the best scenes for themselves and get to upstage both Rush and Depp when they are onscreen

- Story much more fluid like the first movie, and it doesn't feel like its cut up into pieces. The film is set into 3 main chunks, the rescue of Jack Sparrow, the Recruiting of Pirates, the War. The film moves so well that it feels a lot longer than its 3 hour run time.

- Running Gags are hidden in the film for you to spot too, as well as quoting from the earlier films that made the audience laugh when I was watching it. During one part people in our cinema even clapped.... watch out for when they find Depp and then later on in the film where Knightly tries to give Depp a hug and a kiss at the end

- Ending, well its left open so there is a chance of another movie and they even give a hint as to 2 possible stories Depp after the Fountain of Youth or Freeing Bloom from his curse. Everything is pretty much wrapped up though so if the franchise ended here you wouldn't be disappointed.

[/b]- And best of all the Best Bits Weren't in the TRAILER[/b]

I highly recommend you watch this film at the cinema as the ship battles need to be seen on the big sceen. Also stay til the end of the credits as just like the previous installment there is something else at the end to see.[/spoiler]
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It was a fantatsic film

Depp made that film. The Crazy to ubber crazy back to plain crazy made me laugh, especially leading up to the Fight between Jack & Davy Jones on the Mast that you see in the trailer.

Richards wasn't as kooky as you would have thought, considering he was playing Jacks Father.

On a whole the Movie was fantastic with some great jokes, some that carried from the previous 2 movies. I think everyone will laugh at the singapore scene with marty and his giant gun & also Elizibeths Scene in Singapore with the weapons.

McIcys Right All the best Bits weren't in the Trailer

BTW if you buy the Game its very loosely following the story from mid point in the Second Movie, & by loosely I mean it takes a little bit from the movie & then makes up the rest. SO you ain't really spoiling the movie if you buy it [appart from maybe the ending]
I'm still to see this one, though i hope its better than the second. I heard while i was down in london during the weekend that the films are based of graphic novels or something like that, and there is 12 in total, so there is more to go apparently.
Arbalest said:
I'm still to see this one, though i hope its better than the second. I heard while i was down in london during the weekend that the films are based of graphic novels or something like that, and there is 12 in total, so there is more to go apparently.

I'm yet to see it as well, Probably tomorrow. I've never heard of these Pirates graphic novels, i thought it was solely based on the ever so amusing 'Pirates of the Carribean' Attraction at the Disneyland parks. One annoying thing about that is that now the queues for these pitiful excuse for rides are huge, God.
Zentron said:
I saw it on Sunday... 'tis brilliant!! And I thought things couldn't get anymore wierder :?

Now all we have to do is wait to see if they will make an 'Adventures of Jack Sparrow' style movie 8)
Well if you have seen some of the Collectables that are due out they maybe making some sort of Cartoon Series

thekendyman said:
Well if you have seen some of the Collectables that are due out they maybe making some sort of Cartoon Series


Agreed that figure does scream cartoon series doesn't it, I wonder if he will still crave rum or will it be mango juice instead
Somehow that version of Johnny Depp looks like something Tim Burton would make. The series will probably own though, unless it doesn't have the original actors voice cast.
I watched this movie yesterday and is a very good one.Johhny Depp has given a wonderful performance along with Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom.The Octopus and Jack Sparrow fight atop the ship is wonderful.It was hilarious and better than the previous ones........