It's incredibly slow and the save system is a total abomination. It's fun to **** around with for a while, but trying to actually play through the story feels like a huge chore. If the save system wasn't so awful, the game would be alright, but once you get killed after a few hours and have to start off pretty much at square one, you get totally cheesed off.
Also, don't even consider it if you haven't got a HDTV. The text is impossible to read.
The first couple of minutes are fun on it . But after that it just feels so repetitive. The story didnt realy appeal to me and when you have to save your game you have to go miles to find a save spot.
Rent first and if it appeals then buy it - about £30 on for a new copy.
It isn't for everyone, but I never grow tired of marching Frank around in his underwear and sunglasses, carving up zombies and trying to take sneaky pics of unwitting survivor cleavage.
My favorite all time weopon would probably be the shopping trolly 8) I loved running around bashing into all the zombies. It would be great to do that if zombies ever did invade
This game is amazing, especially when you get the weedwacker or the tank, plus you can play the game in multiple ways as you miss missions when you take on other ones so each time you restart you can follow a different path
I got this game with my 360 bundle deal and swaped it for fifa 07 within a week, Its a fun game to play around with at first but has no longevity and gets very repetative very quickly, definetly a renter and not a buyer 8)
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