Another anime/manga blog


Dandy Guy, in Space
Yeap, I know everyone and their cat has an anime/manga blog these days, and I'm following suit, but yeah...

It's not exactly vastly different to those out there already, but hopefully it will have a little something different at some point, if I can get back into illustration :shock:

I know a few of you here have anime blogs, so I was looking for any advice you may have, any good ways to pull more traffic in (I'm already registered with the Antenna and am in the waiting list for Anime Nano), and if anyone is interested in swapping links?

Thanks in advances ^__________^
Blog rolls are a good way to get yourself noticed by other bloggers, so if you link out to someone, they'll check their referral logs and come straight back at you - hopefully that will result with a permanent link to you on their blog roll too.

Since you've registered on the two big aggregators, all you can really do now is just try to find some consistency in your posting habits and develop a style unique to your blog. From my experience, editorials (or just random articles) tend to ignite more interest than the standard episode reviews - but writing editorials puts you in the firing line too (I've upset a few people with comments on my blog, so approach rants with caution).

Anyway, it's great to see another Anime UK News'er out there in the anime blogsphere. I'll happily blog roll you ;)
Blogs have been one of those things i have thought about doing but never really tried. Basically i have no idea where to start actually =/.

I like your blog as well Akaihane, Its impressive.
Thanks loads, guys ^______^

@ Paul

Thanks loads for the advice. I was a bit curious as to how everyone ends up with so many blog links whereas on most sites there isn't really any info on how you get others to add you (don't really want to bother people by emailing them out of the blue).

Yeah, I think most of mine will end up as editorials, and then one-off reviews every now and then for a few choice shows. And from the ideas I've been typing out, they are actually easier to write than reviews and a lot more fun. And being in the firing line can be entertaining when you've got enough material to throw back at them :D

And thanks for the blog roll invite. Threw yours up there now :)

@ Arbalest

It's not too hard to set one up. All you really need is a bit of webspace (or someone willing to donate some to you) and upload something like Wordpress onto it. And there are a bunch of free template out there you can use on blogging software if you don't know HTML/CSS/etc. Hard part is the blogging :D