Supposedly Biker Mice from Mars is back, happy now?

Rukario said:
A new 26 Episode series will begin airing in the UK on GMTV/CITV on August 26, 2006

Taken from Wikipedia, what do you think then?
Didn't think they were that great to start with first time round to be honest.

It's not just a rumour from Wikipedia by the way. I noticed that we had some of the toys in the back stockroom of where I work the other day. They're on they're way all right...

If a kinda popular show like this can get remade, then why hasn't there been an update to Thunderats yet? :evil:
i don't think i ever did watch it..i don't think i'll watch this series either, didn't interest me much at all
Haha, I don't remember much of this, but from what I can recall I loved it. Let's hope the new series will live up to it, but most likely it won't. =/
Still it's a nice surprise, I guess.
Yep, I was in Toys R Us last week and the figures and bikes were out...just randomly dumped as usual with TRU. The figures and bikes were on opposite sides of the aisle. :s
I remember Toxic Crusaders as well.

Wonder who'd win in a "fight"? The Biker Mice or the Toxic Crusaders (though more importantly, why does it always have to resort to fighting - why not baking Hovis bread, that'd be class).
Saw this new series at the weekend, not as good as the first series.

Anyone seen the toy ads, very funny apparently one of the bikes fires its front wheel as a weapon... why does that not sound like a good weapon surely the bike would plow straight into the ground. I wonder if this is used in the series too.
From what I’ve seen of the new series [Trailers & Clips] it looks horrid. There are some clips on Youtube if you want to see.... the new theme sounds like their trying to do the new Turtles theme, badly.
I watched the first episode and decided never to watch it again. The animation is almost as bad as the story, and I'm too old now to remember what the original series was actually about.

The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon is a far more successful update (in terms of quality).