Black Lagoon Season 1 and 2 Release


Pokémon Master
Just a quick question then this thread can be locked.

I couldnt find this anywhere but I've seen lately than Black Lagoon S 1 and 2 dvd is quite expensive and I wonder if there's a special package for it or just normal big plastic case with 6 discs.

Things got worse when I just went to UP1 and i check that the series combo dvd and bd pack r1 costs £28,86 and the pal one costs £33,99. This Uk one even on amazon its £43,50 at the moment. Can anyone explain me why?? I might just go and buy the r1 one with the DB too.

(USA)Black Lagoon Complete Series (Hyb) (Seasons 1-2) Anime Classics DVD/Blu-ray

(UK)Black Lagoon Season 1 & 2 Box Set (Hyb)
Just buy the R1 release, it's cheaper, doesn't have PAL speedup, and you won't have to deal with Kaze's locked subtitles. I heard they do it for their DVDs too, not just the Blurays, difference is you can't change the language once you press play (Funi also subs the OP whereas KAZE do not). Just so you know it is R1 only, rather than 1/2/4 like some funi releases.

I suspect part of the reason for the price is because it's a re-release.
Plus I'm also under the impression that anything which isn't Bleach, Naruto or some other Generic Shonen show doesn't sell that great here.

EDIT: Also the Funi discs have extras, whereas Kaze don't have any at all.
Does anyone knows if the BD's are region free? I dont have a BD player but i would like to know that for the future.

If you say so, i might just go and buy the r1 version then. I have the first volume bought long time ago, the special one steelcase and saw that up1 had the vol 2 and 3 steelcase or whatever is that special edition, seeling cheap there. Still now its better to get the full thing.

I would really want to support uk on this one but since we are talking about big price difference and dvd/db together, i guess there aint much to think about.

Thanks for the reply

EDIT: Just lost my mind and bought right away lol One of my favs series. Didnt spend this much on a series since long time ago. Blame cheap uk stuff for it lol
BD is Region A Locked.
And yes the UK is usually really cheap when it comes to anime. I'm more than happy paying the higher US prices for a show.
Its locked? Bah

Anyway, i suppose its possible to unlock BD players like dvd players... Well, I'll think about that once i get one db player one of these days. Dont plan for now.

Regarding US prices, i think they are a bit up from what i want to spend nowadays on anime honestly. I bought a r1 few stuff 3/4 years ago but then stopped until last year where i bought initial d save collection and peace maker kurogane. I'll just buy r1 stuff that isnt available in uk but not at the moment of its release. I can easily wait for a couple of months to see if uk might have it or not.

Anyway, i dont have that much that want to buy cause i dont buy just to have, I buy what i know I'll be watching again. Too much money stopped at the shelves and that annoys me a little. Im a bargain guy nowadays and that doesnt help a lot. I spent a lot on anime already but that was because my only possible market at the time was Portugal and things are quite expensive here when it comes to entertainment. Once i found out planetaxel/axelmusic, i went for it. Then later, because of videogames, i've started to get other websites (uk ones) and later anime came with that i saw the really cheap prices. By this time, portuguese market was already dead at that for me long ago.

Anyway, what i mean is, i do like fancy us packages but i just feel like spending 40/50 to eur to get something nowadays. I prefer pay half of metade for the uk market, might get an ugly box with no so good imagem quality, but from what I've seen, it suits me well so happy days. :D