The Hackings Continue - Eidos is hit by Anonymous


So yeah, start up computer this morning, check my local hot spots for gaming news and the heated topic is Eidos being hacked. More specifically, Anonymous decided HEY! Let's hack the Deus Ex main site, the user forum AND Of course, they didn't just leave it there:

For several hours early Thursday morning, the Deus Ex Web site, user forum, and were unreachable. For a brief period late Wednesday evening, the sites displayed a defacement banner that read “Owned by Chippy1337″ (click screen shot at right for a larger version), along with several names and hacker handles of those supposedly responsible for the break-in. obtained an archived copy of the attackers’ online chatter as they were covering their tracks from compromising the sites. A hacker using the alias “ev0″ discusses having defaced the sites and downloading some 9,000 resumes from Eidos. ev0 and other hackers discuss leaking “src,” which may refer to source code for Deus Ex or other Eidos games. In a separate conversation, the hackers also say they have stolen information on at least 80,000 Deus Ex users and that they plan to release the data on file-sharing networks.

Neither Eidos nor its parent company Square Enix Co. could be immediately reached for comment. (This may not be the first time Eidos was breached: In a story I wrote earlier this year, I detailed how hackers on an underground criminal forum claimed to be selling access to Eidos’ customer database).

We also have a screen of the deed too:


Seriously, first Sony, now Eidos? I realise SquEnix aren't in the best of situations after FFXIV and to a lesser extent, XIII, but still.
We are aware that "anonymous" doesn't refer to one small group of individuals and is a label that can be copied by anyone, yeah? Good to see IRC's are still in use though, I've just begun to use 'em again myself.
Reaper gI said:
That's not anonymous you bleading idiot, they've used names.
That defies the whole point.

Indeed, however. Anonymous is a group, these guys just decided to throw our their names/usernames and see what kind of reception they get. Still baffled me when i saw it, but still. If that's how they want to go about it, may as well let them. It's either that, or people got some kind of wish to be picked up by Anon so thought to pick on Eidos and Deus Ex. Ah well.
They're from the wrong IRC servers.
which are down anyway as they got DDoSed by 808chan, and the owner of some of the domains left.

Judging by the chanel in question this also looks to be 808chan or a false flag op against them.