Pokemon Black and White - Global Link (Dream World) is up!


Vampire Ninja
Anyone else registered on it yet? Thought we could get a thread going with our Global Link names.

Mines Tayl0r if anyone wants to add me (the o is a zero (0)), Taylor was taken sadly :(

3954 6209 4185 is my Friend Code in game, You need to add each other in game to be able to see each other in global link.

Then we visit each others homes in Dream World to become Dream Friends, apparently.
Rena Ryuugu said:
Dreamworld is quite fun, and I'm RenaRyuugu on there :)

My Friend code is on page 3 of Black+White thread.

Added you Rena, so make sure to add me then we can be friends in the dream world (WOO! MORE FRIEND BERRIES FOR MEH TO WATER!)
Ok, apparently at the moment the only way to become dream friends is by finding the person at the tree of dreams or by pressing the button in game and randomly finding that persons home...

So, I have an Axew sleeping at the moment and im called Tayl0r. If you see me, add me!

Or we have to trade with each other over Wifi so our accounts see each other, so Rena; We need to set up a trade! >.<
Added you Taylor :)

Sure, should be able to trade tomorrow afternoon =)

Anything you need? Got quite a lot to offer + pokemon with dream world abilities that appear later on.
Rena Ryuugu said:
Added you Taylor :)

Sure, should be able to trade tomorrow afternoon =)

Anything you need? Got quite a lot to offer + pokemon with dream world abilities that appear later on.

Appear later on? Cheated for em or? :p

I think anything will do for now, unless you got white then id like a Solosis if you have one spare. I dont really have anything worth trading at the moment sadly.

Ill keep an eye on this post then for when your on then we can trade.
Later areas that you unlock ;)
I got them since I'm pretty lucky with GTS and since I got them from Japan who already have all the areas unlocked, and the DW pokemon I got were females, I can pass on the ability by breeding.

I can get you a Solosis, I have one on black which I can breed :)
Rena Ryuugu said:
Later areas that you unlock ;)
I got them since I'm pretty lucky with GTS and since I got them from Japan who already have all the areas unlocked, and the DW pokemon I got were females, I can pass on the ability by breeding.

I can get you a Solosis, I have one on black which I can breed :)

Awesome! Mainly after a dream world polywag and abra, though i dont want a japanese named one :p
I have got a dream world Poliwag you can have, with her normal English name :) Got quite a lot of them while breeding for my one to use in my team.
Ok cool, just give me a time when your in the trade room and ill come in aswell. Do you mind what i give you for it? Dont really have anything good...
When they actually add a proper way to add friends we will have to add each other, the only way to do it at the moment is to randomly run into them at the dream tree >.<