I've been watching Digimon Tamer again for quite a while, to revisit old memories. So I had a nosy on wikipedia to refresh my memory on Tamer and came across that it has influences from Serial Experiments Lain (Probably a debatable question =P)
And I looked around the net to pursue some reviews on it, and what it's about... It looks really interesting and it's grabbing my interest because of the philophiscal belief and depressing nature, which I'm a sucker for.
But before I might purchase this, Can anyone tell me if this anime is any good?
Many thanks
And I looked around the net to pursue some reviews on it, and what it's about... It looks really interesting and it's grabbing my interest because of the philophiscal belief and depressing nature, which I'm a sucker for.
But before I might purchase this, Can anyone tell me if this anime is any good?
Many thanks