Simple Question


Completely Average High School Student
Is it alright for me to post my AMVs in the Creative section? I ask because of the whole copyright issue and I know some forums don't allow them. I would rather ask first then just post them.

Thanks! :)
Fan4Lost said:
:lol: Are my vids to Evanescences music? no :lol: Are there a lot of AMVs to them?

linkin park, Wierd al and evanescence amv's are pretty much banned from any AMV contest nowerdays, as they are either too overused or require not skill to them (i say no skill as most wield al amv's are just lip sync, so naturally people are supporting the music over the video)
wow! I've done Fanvids for Lost, a couple of movies and even a gameplay vid for GRAW and never even used any of those artists. :lol:

I guess it just depends whos making them. No wonder people arent into AMVs that much, they see so many crap ones they just figure everyone's sucks. :lol: